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还有哪座城市星光更加璀璨What city is more glamorous?

路得对婆婆的忠诚并不耀目。Ruth's loyalty is not glamorous.

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提升魅力值有很多方法。There are many ways to be glamorous.

一辆助力车比自行车更吸引人。A moped is more glamorous than a bicycle.

不要为富有迷惑力的广告所左右。Do not be swayed by glamorous advertisements.

光彩夺目的生活和奢华的生活是不一样的。A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury.

秦汉时期“酒徒”的社会形象,似乎并不光彩。The social images of the drunkward were not that glamorous.

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美国奥斯卡大奖是世界瞩目的电影盛事。The Oscars is one of the most glamorous events in the world.

这些都会让你看起来就像迷人的吉普赛人。These will transform your look into a glamorous gypsy style.

洛佩斯从严肃的女演员成了迷人的歌星。Jennifer Lopez went from serious actress to glamorous singer.

有些新名词描述了时尚圈不太光鲜的一面。A few expressions deal with the less glamorous side of fashion.

因为精神准备并不迷人或者也不易于录制。Because mental preparation is not glamorous or easy to videotape.

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毫不意外,郑州新区政府大楼奢华程度丝毫不输鄂尔多斯Like Ordos, Zhengzhou New District has glamorous public buildings

当然,她富有魅力、非常友好,是一个气度高尚的的女人。She is of course a glamorous and very kind woman with a big heart.

这种发型曾经一度是富有、权贵或迷人女性的象征。It was once seen as an emblem of rich, powerful, or glamorous women.

对许多人来说,魅力四射的韩国流行音乐有不光彩的一面并没有什么大惊小怪的。To many, it's no surprise that glamorous K-pop has an unsavory side.

被一群光芒所包围的流星,是被爱神翅膀所保护的。Embracing by glamorous light, the meteor is under the wings of Cupid.

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决策者如何能够使人注意不那么具有吸引力的问题呢?How can decision-makers attract attention to less glamorous problems?

此时的蒋夫人很瘦,光彩照人,衣着贴身。Mme. Chiang was by now thin, glamorous and wore form-fitting clothes.

等级和文件中的成员,但是,处理不那么迷人的山达基。Rank-and-file members, however, are dealt a less glamorous Scientology.