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它只是为了生殖?Is it just for procreation?

它们是人类繁育过程的一部分。They are part of the human procreation process.

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那里不再反对早婚早育。Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.

改革开放以来的生育观念已悄然生变。The procreation conception had changed since the Chinese economic reform.

农场主卖了一些动物,但是还有一些仅仅用于生殖新的幼崽。The farm sells some animals, but some of them are kept only for procreation.

生殖崇拜是稻作文化民族中一个普遍存在的文化现象。Worship of procreation is a universal phenomenon among rice-growing peoples.

这些对进化的最终目标非常重要,即——传宗接代。All of this is important in evolution’s ultimate goal—successful procreation.

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这种执著似乎也把恋爱生子打入了冷宫。This single-mindedness seems to leave little room for romance or procreation.

女性生殖崇拜是上古女神的缘起和皈依。The females procreation adoration is the origin and return of ancient goddess.

他认为除为繁衍后代的以外的性行为都是与对抗自然的。Any sexual activity other than that intended for procreation was a sin against nature.

婚育权是高校学生依法应当享有的一项基本权利。Matrimony and procreation right is a basic right of Higher schools students by the law.

生育权是已达法定婚龄的男女决定是否生育和选择如何生育的人格权。Procreation right is one of personality right of man and woman of over legal marry-age.

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目前,男性生殖健康逐渐成为社会关注的热门话题,相关的研究和报道屡见报端。Current, the male procreation health become a hot problem with which the society confronted.

结论手术方式应根据患者年龄、对生育的要求决定并尽量保留卵巢功能。Conclusions The methods of operation were based on needs of the ages and the procreation of patients.

对于社会观念顽固的赫内姆思人,生育是至上的精神满足。To a H'nemthe, procreation is the ultimate spiritual fulfillment in their rigidly structured society.

子果融入了中国的仙话中,隐含着长寿、健康、生育的寓意。Its fruits are drunk in the myth of China, and showing the meanings of longevity, health and procreation.

踩花山既体现了苗族同胞对祖先的缅怀,也反映了苗族同胞对生殖繁衍的追求。The festival manifests Miao nationalitys commemoration to their ancestors, and their belief in procreation.

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及至父亲与母亲争夺生育权斗争的胜利,父亲的身份才慢慢得以确认。The status of father is not affirmed until father defeats mother in the struggle about the right of procreation.

近年来国民生育率不断下降,国小的学生在藉数逐渐减少,学校面临诸多巨变与冲击势不可免。Recently, the rate of procreation has been decreased year by year, and the numbers of school students are the same.

他还提议,设立联邦人口与环境部,来有系统地调节生育和经济。He proposed a federal Department of Population and Environment that would regulate both procreation and the economy.