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有肠易激综合症?Have irritable bowel syndrome?

你把我的手术换成肠阻塞手术了?。You bumped me for a bowel obstruction?

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我知道你在看我割除这段肠子。I know you see me resecting this bowel.

小儿胃肠型感冒怎么办呀?。How does children stomach bowel cold do?

我已一个礼拜无法通便了。I haven't had bowel movement for a week.

可以为大便失禁的病人做些什麽?What can be done for Bowel Incontinence?

它也被打死了她的肠破她。It also killed her by rupturing her bowel.

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他们说她患有肠道激惹综合征。They said she had irritable bowel syndrome.

润肠通便之功效。Effect of the Run intestines bowel movement.

妈妈端出一碗新鲜的水果浆汁给奶奶喝。Mother serves grandma a bowel of fresh juice.

她的肠将相当经常充血,我害怕。Her bowel will engorge quite often, I'm afraid.

帮助排出大肠和肾的产生的废物。Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys.

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肠管或网膜可能沿引流物疝出。Bowel or omentum may herniate alongside the drain.

肠管或网膜可能沿引流物疝出。Bowel or omentum may herniate alongside the drain.

小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。Small bowel intussusception may require resection.

小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。Small bowel intussusception may require resection.

这肠道问题可以引起一种新型自闭症。This bowel problem might cause a new kind of autism.

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喝姜茶有助于促进肠胃蠕动。Drinking ginger tea will help start a bowel movement.

律的饮食习惯,经常诱发肠胃病。Irregular eating habits often lead to bowel disorders.

洗肠,灌肠,插入直肠栓剂。Bowel washouts, enemas, inserting rectal suppositories.