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联合国儿童基金会发言人梅尔卡多表示,在抵达埃塞俄比亚的儿童当中,几乎有一半都营养不良。Mercado says almost half the children arriving in Ethiopia are malnourished.

梅尔卡多认为,认知可塑性的结构基础是大脑皮质模块。Mercado argues that the structural basis of cognitive plasticity is the cortical module.

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另外,梅尔卡多指出,在埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚的难民营也在进行大规模的麻疹疫苗接种运动。Elsewhere, Mercado notes mass measles campaigns are under way in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya.

医疗性的喂食,可以让孩子们经过四至六个星期的休养,恢复健康。With therapeutic feeding a child can fully recuperate in a matter of four to six weeks, " said Mercado.

阿根廷导演马赛罗‧梅卡多1999年来欧洲之时,同时带了几千张照片与影片。When the Argentinean Marcello Mercado came to Europe in 1999, he brought with him thousands of photos and films.

默卡铎说,如果联合国儿童基金能够迅速将营养食品送给那些孩子,就能挽救他们的生命。Mercado says UNICEF can help save these children’s lives if her agency can get special nutritional food to them quickly.

世界上有记载的现在还健在的男寿星是波多黎各的埃米利亚诺·梅尔卡多·德尔·托罗,他出生于1891年8月21日。The world's oldest living man on record, Emiliano Mercado Del Toro, lives in Puerto Rico. He was born on August 21, 1891.

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梅尔卡多表示,联合国儿童基金会正在和联合国难民署一道努力,加紧帮助肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚难民营内的儿童。Mercado says UNICEF is working with the U.N. refugee agency to scale up assistance to children in the refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia.

难民营极度拥挤,缺乏基本安全饮用水、卫生设施、食物、营养和住处等。The camps are extremely overcrowded, and the basics-safe water, sanitation, food, nutrition, shelter, are less than adequate,” Mercado said.

默卡多说,美国的工作签证不容易得到,这也促使一些本来希望到美国就业的人转向亚洲寻找机会。The difficulties of getting U. S. work visas are also prompting students who might have sought to go to the U. S. to try Asia instead, Mr. Mercado said.

在肯尼亚东北部的图尔卡纳地区,严重营养不良者的比例高达百分之37点4,是这个地区有史以来最高的。In the Turkana district, that is up in the northeast, global acute malnutrition rates are the highest ever recorded in the district, at 37.4 percent, ” Mercado said.

在肯尼亚东北部的图尔卡纳地区,严重营养不良者的比例高达百分之37点4,是这个地区有史以来最高的。In the Turkana district, that is up in the northeast, global acute malnutrition rates are the highest ever recorded in the district, at 37.4 percent, " Mercado said."

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联合国儿童基金会女发言人梅尔卡多对美国之音说,一个很大的担忧是缺乏准入,因为这导致援助机构无法给所有的儿童接种救命的疫苗。UNICEF spokeswoman Marixie Mercado says lack of access is a great cause of concern because it prevents aid agencies from reaching all children with the life-saving vaccines.