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只是文学遗产么?Mody only literary heritage?

这个印象是文化遗产吗?Is that impression a cultural heritage?

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而世界遗产需要维基百科。The World Heritage List needs Wikipedia.

爱是永远常存的秘诀。Love is the secret of a lasting heritage.

音像遗产从本质上说是脆弱易损的。Audiovisual heritage is by nature fragile.

计划中还包括一个民俗村。A heritage village is also part of the plan.

这项工作得到了市文物局的批准。This work was City Heritage Council approval.

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但是他们也是我们遗产的一部分。But they are part of our heritage nonetheless.

我认为多宁顿也有丰富的赛车积淀。I think Donington has a lot of racing heritage.

自从1586年欧洲文化的独特遗产。Since 1586 a unique cultural heritage of Europe.

外空是全人类的共同财富。Outer space is the common heritage of all mankind.

不信会羞辱神,且使我失去产业。Unbelief dishonors God and robs me of my heritage.

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阳江拥有丰富的历史文化遗产。Yangjiang has a rich historic and cultural heritage.

何戍中说,“他们是独一无二的遗产,无法取代。”They are our unique heritage that cannot be replaced.

布里干酪和法式长棍面包是重要的世界遗产吗?Are brie and baguettes a vital part of world heritage?

1997年,哈尔斯塔特被列入世界文化遗产。Hallstatt was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1997.

文化遗产地的旅游开发是一把双刃剑。Heritage tourism development was a double-edged sword.

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古崖居,一个千古之谜的人文古迹。Guyaju, an thousand year mystery of the human heritage.

河南省龙门石窟是世界文化遗产。The Longmen Grottoes are cultural heritage in the world.