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一个圣经的现代英语版本,新约外传。A modern english version of the bible and apocrypha.

大多数是世界末日的预言伪经的形式。Most of the prophetical Apocrypha are apocalyptic in form.

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这些书籍,因此,站在关系的伪经犹太佳能。These books, therefore, stand in the relation of Apocrypha to the Jewish canon.

这是没有找到在希伯来文圣经,并包括在伪经的新教徒。It is not found in the Hebrew Bible and is included in the Apocrypha by Protestants.

嫉妒和生气回缩减生命,忧愁让你快速老去。Jealousy and anger shorten life, and anxiety brings on old age too soon. ---- Apocrypha.

信里有一段处理在教区里有人还用旁经的问题。There is a section on the problem of the continued use of the apocrypha in his district.

地点的伪经中的圣经佳能一直争论的中心。The place of the Apocrypha in the biblical canon has long been the center of controversy.

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信里有一段处理在教区里有人还用旁经的问题。There is a section on the problem of the continued use of the apocrypha in hellos district.

为什么给我这本污损过的伪经,这第一千次的抄本,笨拙的伪造?Why do you give me this tainted Apocrypha , this thousandth copy, this inept falsification?

人们的承诺大都一致,只有行动才能显出差异。Apocrypha 51. Men are all alike in their promises, It is only in their deeds that they differ.

莉莉斯本尊也仅仅出现在犹太次经中,她既没有出现在圣经旧约首五卷,也没出现在圣经中。Lilith herself appears only in Jewish apocrypha texts-- she is in neither the Torah or the Bible.

然而,有需要时毫不犹豫地降级的第四本书的埃斯德拉斯到队伍的伪经。And yet there need be no hesitation in relegating the Fourth Book of Esdras to the ranks of the apocrypha.

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你买圣经时,如果你买我订的这本,书名为牛津圣经注释本含伪经。When you buy your bible,if you buy the one I ordered, it's called the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha.

情人节及其守护神的历史遮掩在神秘和传说中,而我们非常喜欢神秘和传说。The history of Valentine's Day and its patron saint, is shrouded in mystery and apocrypha , and we do love mystery and apocrypha here.

有时人们也用“伪经“,指新约伪经,或早期基督教伪经。Sometimes people will also use this word "apocrypha" for what they call something like New Testament apocrypha or early Christian apocrypha.

当人们谈到,在现代圣经里出版的伪经时,说的主要是那些在希腊,得以保存的犹太文献。When people talk about The Apocrypha that's published in a modern Bible, they're talking about that Jewish literature that survived in Greek mainly.