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这是甲烷。Here is methane.

让我们看看甲烷。Let's look at methane.

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让我们回到甲烷。Let's go back to methane.

甲烷没有极性。And so, methane is nonpolar.

关于甲烷我们知道什么?What do we know about methane?

就是甲烷的杂化。He did some hybridization of methane.

我们可以画出甲烷,就是这样子。Methane we can draw. It looks like this.

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牛屁中的甲烷会污染环境吗?Is the Methane from Cows' Farts Problematic?

甲烷正在从海底永冻层中释放出来?Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost?

或者说是记录在册的甲烷运移的案例呢?Or the documented cases of methane migration?

海面以下有大量的甲烷,一种就可以含有所有陆地的化石燃料两倍的碳。There are massive amounts of undersea methane.

对于他们来说,放屁可以,甲烷免谈。They could fart, but they shouldn't fart methane.

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与地球的情况不同,泰坦星上的雾气是甲烷。Titan fog, on the other hand, comes from methane.

排名第二的是牲畜和粪肥产生的甲烷。Next in line is methane from livestock and manure.

他们能将甲烷硝化成硝基甲烷。They were able to nitrate methane to nitromethane.

如果甲烷受到冷却和压缩,它就会液化。If methane is cooled and compressed , it liquefies.

甲烷看起来就是sp3杂化的。Methane looks like this with the sp3 hybridization.

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在土卫六上,甲烷可以形成云甚至降雨。On Titan, methane forms clouds and maybe even rain.

让我们回到甲烷,看看发生了什么。Let's go back to methane and see what happens there.

M·巴氏细菌能够吸收垃圾填埋场中的酸性物质并产生甲烷。M. barkeri eats the acids and produces some methane.