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大家在餐厅集体用餐。Meals are taken communally in the dining room.

相当常见的是,顾客们会共同来点菜。Quite often customers will order dishes communally.

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在农村没有房地产市场,因为土地都是集体所有。And there's no property market in rural villages because land is communally owned.

饭是在餐厅和其他宾客一起吃。私人浴室和卫生间更是闻所未闻。Meals are taken communally with other guests in the dining-room. Private bathrooms and toilets are unheard of.

农业方面应该实现土地私有,因为在一块大部分土地公有的大陆上,想做点什么都不容易。On the farming front, issuing individual land titles, no easy task in a continent where much land is still communally held, is another.

小白鹭是涉水鸟,常见于岸边和湿地,喜群居,在树上或芦苇丛中聚集栖息。Being waders , they are found near coastal areas and on wetlands . little egrets live in packs and nest communally in trees and reedbeds.

气味的无形影响最著名的解释是群居女性的月经期往往会彼此相同。The best-known illustration of the invisible influence of scent is the way the menstrual cycles of women who live communally tend to synchronize.

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尽管阿尔法人有时会从业于“外事”工作或自由契约工作,但大多数社区的工作属于公有企业。Although people at Alpha are occasionally employed at "outside" jobs or free-lance work, most community work occurs in communally owned enterprises.

中国需要大量的实践性的练习,比如委内瑞拉,让学生能和管弦乐队一起表演,完善自己的技巧。That would require a massive act of social will such as Venezuela made, to empower students to work in orchestras and perfect their skills communally.

“漂移科技”秉承着“质量第一、诚信经营”的企业理念,与客户共同发展。"The Piaoyi science and technology" is receiving "the quality first and honorable management" enterprise logo, and communally developing with customers.

在中华人民共和国统治时期人们或多或少会感受到“一切公有的无阶级社会”,但我是不会这么说的。One could argue that they more or less hit "classless society with everything communally owned" sometime during the reign of the PRC but really I wouldn't call it that.

再次从不同层面和角度剖析了高层教学楼内部公共交往空间及其环境设计的有关问题。Thirdly, The thesis analysis correlation problems of inner communally intercourse space and environmental design of educational building of high stories from different arrangement and point of view.