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有成效地利用时间。Use your time productively.

亚洲人在使用任何储蓄时应该更富有成效。Asia should use all saving more efficiently and more productively.

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一般人每天有成效地度过的时间少于7小时。The average person spends less than 7 hours of their day productively.

做你能做的事情,并且享受过程,将会更有乐趣,更能提高生产力。Do what you can and enjoy whatever time you spend more pleasantly or productively.

当你听到铃声时,做一个深呼吸,然后反躬自问刚过去的一小时是否过得有效率。When you hear the beep, take a deep breath and ask yourself if you spent your last hour productively.

同时,有了目标的生活会积极高效,而没有目标你就会很被动而且偶发事件多。Goals also ensure that you live life deliberately and productively versus reactively and accidentally.

这使得哥斯达黎比其他地区更有成效地利用其女性人口。This allows Costa Rica to use its female population more productively than is true in most of the region.

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通过权衡使用帮助你快速打开模型的特性,你的团队就能更好地有效率合作了。By leveraging features that help you quickly open models, your team is better able to work more productively.

你需要确定自己所做的是需要优先完成的工作,并确定你的工作富有效率和成果。You'll want to be sure you're doing high-priority work and that you're doing it effectively and productively.

避免再折回去做一项多余的你本可以在早些时候更有成效地完成的任务。Avoid having to retrace your steps to perform a redundant task you could have done more productively at an earlier time.

测试人员不需要忍受一个复杂而冗长的安装过程,或要有效使用工具进行的几周培训和咨询。Testers need not endure a complex, lengthy setup process or weeks of training and consulting to use the tool productively.

虽然并非所有社会成员都是生产者,但所有社会成员却都是消费者,而消费或是非生产性的或是生产性的。All the members of the community are not labourers, hut all are consumers, and consume either unproductively or productively.

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Huffman相信,观察的越毫不费力,越多的人能够通过那些信息效率更高的工作。The more effortless an observation, Huffman believes, the more people can productively tailor their behavior to that information.

它允许你采用新的建模语言技术来更有效率的构建系统,并提高开发效率。It allows you to exploit new modeling language technology to architect systems more effectively and develop them more productively.

汪光焘还深情地希望企业老总们把项目经理的培养发展工作更有成效地搞好。Part Yuan also with deep emotion that enterprises mister training development project managers have to work more productively well.

第二次农业革命,需要解决的是如何在缺水,不用化肥的情况下,使农作物高产的问题,他说。The second Green Revolution is going to be how we get plants to grow productively with less water and artificial fertilizer, he says.

最好的办法是承认现实、认清自我感受,找富有的方法去解决问题。The best strategy for moving on is to recognize the reality of the situation, acknowledge your feelings and find a way to cope productively.

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公务员以经验丰富、备受尊崇的领导班子为首,秉承一贯的作风,履行职务时效率极高,工作成绩超卓。The civil service is carrying on exactly as it always has, efficiently and productively under an experienced and greatly respected leadership.

它们不但能发电,其余热还可以用来为房屋供暖,意味着燃气中的所有能量都被有效利用了。Not only will they generate electricity but the surplus heat can be used to heat the house, meaning that all the energy in gas is productively used.

要对一些拥有诚信、节制和正义等品德的前辈们进行富有成效性的挖掘的同时,也要形成在这些品德缺乏或背弃时应对的机制。The antecedents of integrity, for-bearance, and justice might be as productively explored as are the mechanisms to deal with their absence or betrayal.