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我再无移情别恋的负罪感。There is no guilt.

是令人难受的愧疚之情?Is it pangs of guilt?

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她认了罪。She admitted her guilt.

负罪感就这样产生了。Then the guilt sets in.

他因内疚而感到痛苦。He was tortured by guilt.

我感到一阵痛彻心扉的内疚。I felt a twinge of guilt.

他的罪孽是毫无疑问的。His guilt was not in doubt.

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我确信他有罪。I'm convinced of his guilt.

没有伤害,没有犯规,没有罪恶。No harm, no foul, no guilt.

他断然否认自己有罪。He stoutly denied his guilt.

他希望为他的过失赎罪。He hoped to expiate his guilt.

内疚痛苦是浪费时间。Guilt pangs are a waste of time.

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他的罪无法减轻。Nothing can extenuate his guilt.

那个强盗恶贯满盈。That robber is laden with guilt.

罪恶感并不代表敬神与虔诚。Guilt is not a Godly place to be.

把内疚感化为积极行动。Spin guilt into a positive action.

归根到底,也许罪恶感是个好东西。So perhaps guilt is good after all.

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那个囚犯交代了罪行。The prisoner babbled out his guilt.

她脸红证明她内心有愧。Her red face testified to her guilt.

如何摆脱罪恶感?How to get rid of the guilt feeling?