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但“空位”因它的显性程度不同而出现层次不同。But the vacancy may have different levels as its notability is quite different.

努森之所以知名的另一原因是他的父亲曾经一度担任过通用汽车公司的总裁。One reason for Knudsen's notability was that his father had once been president of GM.

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结论东城区预防呼吸道传染病宣传月取得了显著的成果。Conclusion The propaganda month on respiratory diseases prevention has got a notability results.

企业经济效益逐年递增,品牌知名度不断提高。The enterprise economic effect increases by degrees year by year , brand notability improves unceasingly.

因为它具备该行业的最高知名度,因此也成为了最高标靶。Because of it has the maximal notability being industry's turn, have become therefore also the maximal bid target.

塑造大学品牌形象不仅是提高知名度,更重要的是提高大学在公众中的美誉度。Notability and honorability are the two fundamental dimensions through which influence of brand-names upon consumers is judged.

也许,这能解决一些在知名度和原创研究上长期不休的争论。Potentially, this could solve some of the perennial contentious issues about notability and the borderline of original research.

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对窝卵数与卵重和卵大小之间的相关性分析表明,窝卵数与卵重和卵大小之间呈显著的负相关。The correlating analyzing between the clutch size and egg weight or egg length suggest that it is notability negative correlation.

为了进步公司知名度,扩展公司范围,因而天利电脑有限公司树立了本身地公司网站。For the scale improving company notability , expanding a company, day interest rate computer Ltd. has built self company website therefore.

分析结果表明,结构修改的影响趋势和显著性都与具体的修改部位有关。The simulation results indicate that the influence trend and notability of the structure modification are relative to the modified position.

黄大仙祠始建于1921年,是香港著名庙宇之一,祠庙设计色彩丰富、建筑雄伟、金碧辉煌,极富中国传统寺庙建筑的特色。Wong Tai Sin Temple started in 1921, one of notability temples in HK. The design is colorful and gorgeous, full of ancient Chinese temples style.

另外该系统实现了仿真试验数据关系图形的绘制及仿真试验数据的方差分析和因素显著性检验等功能。In addition, the system can draw the relevance picture of experiment data, and make variance analysis and verification of notability of these data.

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干预社区中,40岁以下组,女性和低文化水平者4年后糖尿病知识提高尤为显著。In intervention community, the raise of DM knowledge in the groups of less than 40 years old, female and low education level had especially notability.

结果表明,与其它类型的旅游地一样,红色旅游地的发展同样受到与客源地的空间距离、客源地的经济水平及旅游地知名度的影响。The results indicate that the development of red tourism is also related to the spatial distance between tourism resort and destination, economic level and its' notability.

改革开放以来,我国城市化进程得到了迅速发展,城市面貌日新月异,人民的生活水平得到了显著改善。Since innovation throws open, the course of Urbanization develops rapidly, the visage of city changes with each passing day, demotic standard of living is improved notability.

公司始终坚持“向用户提供先进的产品、卓越全面的技术服务”的经营理念,在业界享有较高的声誉与知名度。Sticking to the operational concept of "Providing advanced products and comprehensive technical services", Jintai has enjoyed high reputation and notability in fiber-optic field.

基于骨架对跑道区域进行表示,从骨架图中检测骨架分支基元,计算分支基元的显著性度量并建立分支基元之间的邻接关系。By detecting the branches of skeleton image of the main-runway of airport, and computing the notability measurement of them, the adjacent relationship among branches is established.

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以其他水果原料酿成的白兰地,应加上水果的名称,苹果白兰地、樱桃白兰地等,但它们的知名度远不如前者大。With Brandy that fruit raw material brings on other, respond to the name adding fruit, Calvados , Cherry Brandy etc. , their notability is far inferior to that the former is big but.

近年来,民营医院快速发展,但是在规模、品牌、专家知名度和患者信任度等方面依然无法与公立医院相比。In recent years, private hospitals develop rapidly, but have no way to be compared with public hospitals in the fields of scale, brand, expert notability and patient trust degree etc.

高校学报实施规范化编排能够扩大学报的知名度和影响力,提高学术论文的利用率,使高校学报在面临新兴媒体的挑战下获得新的发展机遇。The standardized layout of a college journal can improve its notability and influence, its academic articles' utilization ratio and bring developmental challenge before newborn media.