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这涉及到另一项权利.复议是请求上一级的税务机关重新审理.其范围既包括处罚争议.也包括纳税争议.但对两者的规定不同.That is another right. You can ask the superior tax authority to reexamine the case.

亚利桑那大学现在重新验证整个结构的潜力。The University of Arizona now has the rights to reexamine the structure’s potential.

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团体轻易放弃那些不被大多数成员所接受的选择方案。The group fails to reexamine those alternatives originally disfavored by the majority.

也许现在是应该从新考虑大学为是智力哒保障这种主意滴时候咯。Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that college degrees are a guarantee of intelligence.

我们应该不时地重新审视我们的实践,并让基础的假设重新有效。We should reexamine our practices from time to time and revalidate the underlying assumptions.

不过在作出技术上的选择之后,还是应该回头去重新检查你在架构上的决策。However once you do make technology choices you have to go back and reexamine your architectural decisions.

“写下自己的忧虑能够使学生重新思考并评估考试的状态,”Beilock说。"Writing about their worries allows the students to reexamine the testing situation and reappraise it," Beilock says.

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我们在重新审视我们的合作框架时应记住,权力并非只集中在政府手中。As we reexamine our structures for cooperation, we should remember that power is not just concentrated in governments.

在当今的文化语境之下,站在今天的立场上反观其人其诗,我们可以得到一些新的认识。As we reexamine Zhuxiang and his poetries as we could get many new awareness in contemporary's culture speaking context.

本文试图在对20世纪中国的新古典主义文学进行考察和审视的基础上予以重释和深究。This paper tries to reexamine and further investigate it on the basis of a comparatively comprehensive and accurate survey.

重新认识并在新的文化背景下还原美学原本的角色定位,大有利于学科的健康发展。Therefore it is of vital importance to reexamine and restore the aesthetic role and location under the new cultural backdrops.

美国应借此重新审视其正在运作的核电站的安全问题,尤其是老核电站的安全问题。The United States should use the occasion to reexamine the safety of its operating nuclear reactors, especially the older ones.

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我们提议您重新检查一下您对于健壮的态度、重新检查一下身体健壮对您生活的其它一些方面能有哪些好的影响。We would suggest that you reexamine your approach to fitness and its ability to positively influence other aspects of your life.

如果你关心公司,关心客户,关注价值意义,那你就要对重新定义失败引起足够的关住。If you care about your company, your customers, and the meaning of value, you'll care enough to reexamine your definition of failure.

“逆格雷欣法则”的提出将使人们重新审视在信用纸币制度下的货币竞争问题。The proposition of "Anti-Gresham's Law" makes people reexamine the competition of the currency in the credit system of paper currency.

联邦政府不仅应当再次检查美国的核电安全系统,还应重新审视美国核安全的原则性问题。Washington needs to reexamine not only U.S. reactors’ safety systems but also the fundamentals of the U.S. approach to nuclear safety.

在术后半年内应每月到医院复查一次,以后每3个月复查一次。Reexamines in the technique latter part planted agent each month to the hospital one time, later every 3 months will reexamine one time.

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请再次运行测试、再次分析扩大的连接池的利用情况并再次确定连接池是否被完全利用。Rerun the tests and reexamine the utilization of the increased connection pool and determine again if the pool is fully utilized or not.

大学校园里滥用互联网的现象层出不穷,这暗示我们必须重新审视一下现行的解决滥用网络问题的方法。Continued incidents of misuse of the Internet on college campuses suggest that we need to reexamine our existing approaches to the problem.

这一节目的前提是著名的厨师返回原盘重新审视一些平庸的英国经典。The premise of the show is for the acclaimed chef to reexamine some stodgy British classics by going back to the roots of the original dish.