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它是一个钢笔尖。It is a nib.

钢笔尖戳了。The nib is blunted.

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一条鱼不断地在轻轻咬我的鱼饵。A fish kept nib bling at my bait.

这笔尖坏了,使不得了。The nib is broken, it can't be used.

老鼠一点一点地把干酪都啃光了。Mice have nib bled all the cheese away.

笔是高粱杆一节,插入蘸笔尖。T is under a sorghum, insert the dip nib.

老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。The mice have nib bled a hole in the cheese.

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老实讲,我实在说不好这个笔的笔尖是什么做的。I honestly cannot tell what the nib is made of.

笔尖为白金且为铑被镀。The nib is in white gold and is rhodium-plated.

双头设计,子弹头纤维笔尖和刀形纤维笔尖结合,笔尖直径为6mm。Double nib, fibre-bullet nib 6mm, and fibre-chisel nib 6mm.

笔尖的软硬是非常重要的一个参数。One key variable is how stiff or flexible the nib is to be.

温斯顿把笔尖愿在笔杆上,用嘴舔了一下,把上面的油去掉。Winston fitted a nib into the penholder and sucked it to get the grease off.

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故此,这笔尖蕴含了一个宇宙,而它的历史也蕴含了它自身的历史。In fact a pen nib implies of universe, and the history of it implies its history.

这就是。这是14K的笔尖,可以配上您买的自来水笔。Here you are. This is a 14K nib for your fountain pen. It goes with your purchase.

商店买书法集和钢笔等如舒佛笔也可以使用,但笔尖需要修改。Store-bought calligraphy sets and fountain pens such as Shaeffer can also be used, but the nib has to be reshaped.

1932年,因华北局势不稳定,中国实业银行将总行迁往上海,即今天的中实大楼。In 1932, because of unstable situations in North China, the NIB moved itsheadquarters to this NIB building in Shanghai.

这只笔附带一副吸引人的白色耳机,当把它的电子笔尖压在用特殊隐形墨水印制的纸上时,这只笔会播放声音文件。Equipped with fetching white earphones , the pen plays sound files when its electronic nib is pressed against paper printed with special invisible ink.

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其一,历史作为审视其它事物是一种,其实仅为所有事物暂时的面貌,从整个宇宙到有正在书写的笔端。There is, first, history regarded as a way of looking at other things, really the temporal aspect of anything, from the universe to this nib with I am writing.

于是,芊芊玉指敲击出流年的点滴记忆,薄笺上便会有深深浅浅的文字在流淌,一纸心事也悄然在缱绻笔尖下缠绵。Then, she fingers tapping out a fleeting bits of memory, thin note will have deep and shallow text flows, a paper heart also quietly in the tender under the nib.

雪茄新手可能会以为这少见的红金相间的标箍图案是一个王冠,但懂行的人就知道,这其实是帕迪亚所用钢笔的笔尖。Cigar novices might mistake this hard-to-find cigar band's red and gold illustration for a crown, but aficionados know it's actually the nib of the poet's fountain pen.