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这真是对大政府再恰当不过的诅咒。A very good damnation of Big Government.

你的话会拯救你,也会成为你的诅咒。Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation.

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芝加哥既是美国的光荣,也是美国的灾星,两者合而为一。Chicago is the glory and damnation of america, all rolled into one.

按照他说的去做,只要你让他满意,就可以饶你不用去角斗场上被人打死。Do your duty to his satisfaction, and you'll be spared damnation in the arena.

这种情况只发生在他们进地狱的头一百年。This, however, happens only during the first hundred years of their damnation.

你们这些蛇类,毒蛇之种阿,怎能逃脱地狱的刑罚呢。Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

亚当因为吃了苹果而被定罪,于是所有的人类也遭到非难。Adam, in taking the apple had condemned himself and all of mankind to damnation.

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花园州公园大道是通往地狱的高速公路吗?抑或新泽西州收费高速公路是迈向诅咒毁灭之路?Is the Garden State Parkway the highway to hell? Or is the New Jersey Turnpike the road to damnation ?

中国阴间的观念比起其它的天堂地狱的概念来说,更象日常生活。The Chinese idea of the afterworld is much more everyday than other conceptions of paradise and damnation.

这真的这个世上拯救和诅咒的差异,更不用说一生一世了。It is truly the difference between salvation and damnation – here on earth – let alone throughout eternity.

凡亵渎圣灵的,却永不得赦免,乃要担当永远的罪。But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation

如果我们不相信上帝而上帝存在,我们可能会享受到一些罪恶的愉悦,但我们可能面临终极诅咒。If we do not believe in God and he does exist we may enjoy a few sinful pleasures , but we may face eternal damnation.

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难道会有任何理性的赌徒把一点罪恶的愉悦体验看作是和终极诅咒的风险价值相当吗?Would any rational gambler think that the experience of a few sinful pleasures is worth the risk of eternal damnation?

一个口出狂言者得意洋洋地骂一仓房的庄稼汉万劫不复的声音使苔丝在仓房门口停了一会儿。The voice of a "ranter"triumphantly consigning a Barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway.

这时候,我把肩膀上的天使赶走,给了恶魔一个心照不宣的眼神,无怨无悔的接受了通往美食诅咒的单程票。At this point I shake the Angel off my shoulder, give the Devil a conspiratory wink and devour that one way ticket to diet damnation with no remorse.

溯往昔,愁苦之人如柳絮飘飞难以记数,而为什么每一个都难逃孤单。The early times, if the person of the sorrow bitterness the willow catkins floats damnation to record a number, but why each all difficult escape loneliness.

有些教会肢体教导神预定了有些人要受永罚。他们会使用12节的后半部分来支持这一观点。你将如何回应他们呢?Some church bodies teach that God predestines some people for eternal damnation. They will use the last portion of verse 12 as a proof passage. How would you respond?

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门上方刻着一行古老的铭文,警告说凡是大胆开启这扇门或抹去铭文的人会暴死,并万劫不复。Above the door was an old inscription, dated 1603, which threatened sudden death and eternal damnation to any human being who dared to open the door or efface the inscription.

因为偷了一块面包而踏上人生悲剧的起点——这样的案情,本书作者在研究刑法问题与法律判决的过程中,这是第二次遇见了。This is the second time, in his studies on the penal question and damnation by means of the law, that the author has met with the theft of a loaf of bread as the starting point for a disastrous fate.