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哦,绝对不会。Oh absolutely.

绝对不可靠。Absolutely not.

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是的,绝对会给我安慰。Yes, absolutely.

绝对巨额。Absolutely massive.

我绝对是干净的。I’m absolutely clean.

他说的完全正确He's absolutely right.

我绝对是个舞蹈迷。I absolutely love dancing.

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我不能说是绝对的。I couldn’t say absolutely.

他绝对是我的侄子。He is absolutely my nephew.

它完全吓到我了。It absolutely terrified me.

我完全同意你的观点。I absolutely agree with you.

但,它听起来绝对不正常!It sounded absolutely barmy!

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这绝对是拙劣的典型。This is absolutely the pits.

我们现在完全进入战争状态。We're absolutely at war now.

他说得完全正确。Well, he is absolutely right.

你看上去直钩人心魂。You look absolutely stunning.

绝对让人叹为观止管音!Absolutely stunning tube tone!

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我爱它,完全的热爱着它。I love it. Absolutely love it.

这绝对令人吃惊。It was absolutely astonishing.

曾经,你绝对娇媚。Once, you absolutely Jiao Mei.