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小范是来自四川的民工。Fan is a migrant originally from Sichuan Province.

一个跨境童工,左边的,在采摘烟叶。A child migrant worker, left, picks tobacco leaves.

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人行道上挤满了成排睡着的流动工人。Rows of sleeping migrant workers fill the sidewalks.

对农民工和大学生都有特别的帮助。It has special help for migrant workers and students.

“民工荒”有其深刻的社会原因。"Migrant labor Shortage" has its profound social reasons.

那两群人是菲律宾籍劳工和同性恋者。Those groups are Filipino migrant workers and homosexuals.

然而,这些农民工却,没有获得任何回报。Yet these migrant workers have received nothing in return.

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“去民工子弟小学支教”用英文怎么说?Go to migrant children in primary schools to teach children.

现在它已经失去了四十五万人,预计还会失去更多。It has lost 450, 000 migrant workers and expects to lose more.

当一个肮脏的民工摔倒时,你会扶他去站起来吗?Will you help a dirty migrant worker stand up when he falls down?

当一个肮脏的民工摔倒时,你会去扶他站起来吗?Would you help a dirty migrant worker stand up when he falls down?

但是政府对于他的移民人口做的东西少之又少。But the government did little to integrate its migrant populations.

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我想了解更多关于他做外来工的体验。I wanted to find out more about his experience as a migrant worker.

2010年中国农民工能否拿到城市户口?Will China's migrant workers get permanent urban residence in 2010?

农民工工伤保险问题亟待解决。Work-related injury insurance for Migrant workers must be resolved.

这是外来工在中国大城市里生活的缩影。It's the epitome of the migrant worker's life in China's big cities.

NHP量表评价农民工人群的健康相关生命质量。Migrant worker's Health Related Quality of Life is evaluated by NHP.

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农民工工作搜寻的信心具有两极分化的趋势。The confidence of migrant workers with job searching is polarizable.

在迁移的部族当中,迁入那个地区的是亚摩利人。Among the migrant tribes who settled in the region were the Amorites.

乐施会支援到城里打工的民工,为他们提供职业培训。Oxfam support migrant workers through training in job-related skills.