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它是白金汉宫?Is it Buckingham Palace?

我们先往看看白金汉宫如何样?What if we go to see Buckingham Palace first?

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白金汉宫和特拉法加广场周围地区,anywhere around Buckingham Palace or Trafalgar Square,

白金汉宫是王室在伦敦居住。Buckingham Palace is the royal family's London residence.

伦敦以本钟白金汉宫和他桥而闻名。It's famous for Big Ben , Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.

皇后同意了向公众开放白金汉宫。The Queen has agreed to open Buckingham Palace to the public.

汤斯博士将于5月在白金汉宫接受这个奖项。Dr. Townes is to receive his prize at Buckingham Palace in May.

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伦敦有许多名胜,例如大笨钟和白金汉宫。London has many attractions, such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

自始至终,女王都把它珍藏在白金汉宫的卧室抽屉中。She still keeps it in a drawer in her bedroom at Buckingham Palace.

我们刚刚去了白金汉宫,看了卫兵换岗,We've just been to Buckingham Palace, see the Changing of the Guards

在不久的将来,白金汉宫的图片还将被收入街景地图。It hopes to put Buckingham Palace into Street View in the near future.

议会大厦、伦敦眼,当然还有白金汉宫。The Houses of Parliament, London Eye and of course, Buckingham Palace.

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第一个,我将用早餐,伊利沙伯二世在白金汉宫。First, I would have breakfast with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace.

在白金汉宫送什么礼物给伊莉沙白二世女王好呢?What's the proper gift to present Queen Elizabeth II with at Buckingham Palace?

白金汉宫只在夏天开放,所以那儿相当受欢迎。And Buckingham Palace is just open for the summer, so that's, that's pretty popular.

在英国,政府办公楼和白金汉宫的国旗都降了半旗。In the UK, flags flew at half mast on government buildings and at Buckingham Palace.

稍后,威廉王子驾驶一辆阿斯顿•马丁敞篷车载着他的妻子驶出白金汉宫。Later, William drove his wife out of Buckingham Palace in an open-top Aston Martin car.

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布朗随后离开,经过一小段路后到白金汉宫递交辞呈。Then Mr Brown departed on the short ride to Buckingham Palace, to tender his resignation.

这只是一个彩排,但所有人群都聚集在白金汉宫门口。This is only a rehearsal, but already the crowds have gathered outside Buckingham palace.

我手里紧攥着一个两先令银币,沿着白金汉街大步向车站走去。I held a florin tightly in my hand as I strode down Buckingham Street towards the station.