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一只扫帚可怕地扫尽。A broom is drearily sweeping.

凄然沉没于每个静寂的夜。Drearily sink into every silent night.

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“我没得到这工作。”他沮丧地说。I didn't get the job, ' he said drearily.

过了一会儿,他放弃了等待,无精打采地到麦迪生大道坐。After a time he gave up waiting and drearily headed for the Madison car.

该地区的一些外交官表示金正日的行为可怕地可预言。Some diplomats in the region say Kim's behavior has been drearily predictable.

长长的下午像一条空荡荡的道路不知通往何处。Light sustenance for the long afternoon lengthening drearily ahead like an empty road going nowhere.

「哈啰,尼尔和巴斯,我在白宫的圆形办公室打电话和你们讲话。」尼克森很沉闷地说。"Hello, Neil and Buzz, I'm talking to you by telephone from the Oval Room at the White House, " said Nixon drearily.

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与其他楼盘惨淡收场相比,这些楼盘称得上是本届房博会少数的几个赢家。Ends drearily with other estates compares, these estates call are this session of Fang Bo meet the minority several winners.

但是这种冷酷,可怕的公式方法评估两个人的“兼容性”,却无法获得牵动浪漫情缘不可名状的火花。But this cold, drearily functional approach to assessing compatibility fails to capture the indefinable spark that triggers romance.

他最喜欢的也许是后腿收起压在身下,前腿前伸着卧在在火堆旁,抬头望着火,若有所思地眨眼睛。Best of all, perhaps, he loved to lie near the fire, hind legs crouched under him, fore legs stretched out in front, head raised, and eyes blinking drearily at the flames.

我所担心的是失去乔对我的信赖,从而使自己每晚孤独地坐在火炉边,干着急地瞅着我这位永远失去的同伴和朋友。The fear of losing Joe's confidence, and of thenceforth sitting in the chimney-corner at night staring drearily at my for ever lost companion and friend, tied up my tongue.