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这就是测谎仪能找出说谎者的原因。That's why a polygraph can often uncover a liar.

但解读这些图表是出了名的困难。Yet interpreting a polygraph chart is notoriously difficult.

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这个小组给NRC的报告中指出,没有证据可以证明谎言测试的准确合理性。The panel's report to NRC found no evidence of polygraph validity.

现在绝大部分科学家同意多种波动描记器“测试”是垃圾科学。Most scientists now agree that polygraph "testing" is junk science.

测谎仪检测者知道问某人问题时应该注意哪些方面。A polygraph examiner knows what to look for when questioning someone.

他已和调查人员见了四次面,并提出接受测谎测试。He has met with investigators four times and has offered to take a polygraph test.

听好了,我们可以用多项生理波动测试仪来挖出你的一切,要不你现在自我坦诚。Listen. We can use the polygraph which will sort things out or you can just tell me now.

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我可以将测谎仪安装在一株豌豆上面,再将豌豆放在汽车上,靠这个方法追踪到那棵大树。I can home in on it by attaching the polygraph to one of the bean plants in the mobile unit.

他比任何测谎仪都准确,Sky的宣传广告称他为“人肉测谎仪”。More accurate than any polygraph test, Sky's publicity blurb says Lightman is "a human lie detector".

豌豆会拾取大树发出的疼痛信号,接着测谎仪会记录下豌豆的交感响应。The plant will pick up the tree's distress signals and the polygraph will record its sympathetic response.

经右心室穿刺,通过多道生理记录仪记录右心室压力,并以此反映肺动脉压力。The right ventricular pressures were measured by polygraph system for recording pulmonary artery pressures.

不仅使测谎结论的适用无法可依,也制约了测谎技术的进一步发展。It leads to the disorder of polygraph application and holdback the advancement of the technology in judicial proceedings.

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最终,黑尔在他的岗位上再度获得了晋升,成为了一名测谎高手。Eventually, Mr. Hale began to rise again in his career, and he became known as one of the top polygraph examiners anywhere.

不仅使测谎结论的适用无法可依,也制约了测谎技术的进一步发展。We have no law to consult for the application of polygraph conclusion, which hinders the development of polygraph technique.

这就引领了更尖端的外周测量技术和数据分析的发展,包括测谎仪。This has led a more sophisticated peripheral measurement techniques and data analysis of the development, including polygraph.

多项生理波动测试仪收集的证据是法庭所承认的,只要表面过程中操作严格并且由受过特训的人员操作即可。Polygraph evidence is admissible in court, as long as it can be demonstrated that it was used with care and by a trained operator.

但是,实话说,测谎仪是一种拙劣的工具,连地位尊崇的国家研究委员会也说它有着“极端严重的。But, truth be told, the polygraph is a crude tool that the esteemed National Research Council says has extremely serious limitations.

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通过迭加,仅用单笔心电图机就可以测量以往需用多导仪来测量的心脏收缩时间间期。By means of this method, systolic time method, intervals of heart can be obtained with 1-channel electrocardiograph instead of polygraph.

“到目前为止,我可以说,破坏fMRI数据的方法要比破坏传统多导测谎仪的方法多得多,”Vul说。"So far as I can tell, there are many more reliable ways to corrupt data from an MRI machine than a classic polygraph machine, " Vul said.

一名维吉尼亚州测谎师说,他见过数十对情侣因其中一人未能通过忠贞问题的测谎,以致劳燕分飞。Virginia polygraph examiner said he has seen dozens of couples break up after one member failed a lie-detecting test on questions of fidelity.