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贾斯有个不为人知的秘密。Garth has a skeleton in his closet.

加思,伙计,放松好吗?你的药呢?Garth come on relax all right? Your pills?

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加思先生对他们的研究成果大大地颂扬了一番。Mr. Garth gave a long eulogy about their achievements in the research.

我想你一定会对这些设计的质量感到满意的,葛斯先生。I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of these designs, Mr. Garth.

加斯·塞隆纳现任斯坦福大学商学院第九任院长。Garth Saloner is the ninth dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

下面这个对宽恕的定义很奇妙,是我的好朋友琳达.加斯的作品。The following is a definition of a Miracle written my good friend Linda Garth.

大厅里充满了从加思布鲁克斯和弗兰克西纳特拉希腊民间音乐。The hall was filled with everything from Garth Brooks and Frank Sinatra to Greek folk music.

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这里是两张今晚尕诗。布鲁克,乡村和西部音乐之星,音乐会的票。Here are two tickets for tonight's concert of Garth Brooks, the country-and-western music star.

最近,他预邀了乡村音乐的主角加思布鲁克斯到安可剧院演出,将成千上万布鲁克斯迷吸引到永利度假村地带。Recently, he booked country music hero Garth Brooks into Encore Theatre, luring thousands of Brooks’ fans to Wynn’s Strip resorts.

她也塑名人雕像,譬如艾森豪威尔总统、乡村歌手加思布鲁克斯,以及皮礼士利。Last year it was an eagle, but she has also sculpted famous people, such as President Eisenhower, country singer Garth Brooks, and Elvis Presley.

第三章集中讨论爱略特如何以多萝西娅和高思一家所代表的“人性宗教”精神作为对消费社会日渐冷漠的社会关系的反应。Chapter III focuses on the theme of Religion of Humanity embodied by Dorothea and the Garth family as George Eliot"s response to the estranging universe."

他刚刚出版了一本书,预测房地产和其他资产的价格会下滑。It's going to end badly,' says Garth Turner, a former Cabinet member who just published a book predicting that prices of real estate and other assets will fall.

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Garth还说,如果自从1621年以来积累的应力在今天释放,地震的震级大约是6.7——这足以导致大范围的破坏。If the strain accumulated since 1621 was released today, the earthquake's magnitude would be about 6.7, Garth added — strong enough to cause widespread destruction.

那些当代美国乡村音乐巨星如布鲁克斯/邓恩、南方妹子、阿兰-杰克逊、乔治-斯特雷特、加斯-布鲁克斯、马克-切斯那特和阿拉巴马全都没有在架上。Absent from the compilations were the names of huge contempo-rary American country stars like Brooks and Dunn, the Dixie Chicks, Alan Jackson, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Mark Chestnut and Alabama.