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梦具有象征意义。Dreams had symbolism.

你可以将阿卡西象征符号作为一个索引。You can use the Akashic symbolism as an index.

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象征是劳伦斯小说艺术的杰出成就。Symbolism is the prominent achievement of D. H.

金刚乘的男女符号象征与性无关。Vajrayana male-female symbolism is not about sex.

你能理解作者的象征主义吗?Were you able to penetrate the author's symbolism?

第一章主要阐述了朗格的符号论思想。Chapter one has elaborated Langer's thought of symbolism.

我需要学习更多五角星形的象征符号知识。I need to learn more about the symbolism of the pentagram.

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这些会谈是奥巴马这次具有象征意义的访问的一部分。The talks were part of a visit that was steeped in symbolism.

所有这一切将是令人惊奇的事物和象征主义的变化。All these would be welcome changes of substance and symbolism.

辉煌典雅、华丽壮观、象征性强是这次访问第一天的特点。Pomp, pageantry and symbolism mark the first day of this visit.

那部电影由于其视觉上的象征主义而在当时大受褒扬。The film was much praised at the time for its visual symbolism.

史蒂文斯是象征主义诗派中著名的诗人。Stevens is an outstanding poet among the symbolism poetic school.

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原始岩画的象征性几乎是天籁所成。The symbolism of the primordial petrous picture was almost the nature made.

汤圆/元宵之于人的重要性,与其说是因其味美,不如说是因其形圆。The symbolism of the dumplings' round shape is more important than the taste.

这里谈到了一些最为广泛的梦及这些梦的含义或象征意义。Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.

拉若斯说,每一件都象徵及反映出希腊的历史元素。Lazos says each piece carries symbolism and reflects elements of Greek history.

他对纳粹德国、纳粹活动和纳粹的象征发展出一种狂热的兴趣。He developed a fascination with Nazi Germany, Nazi pageantry and Nazi symbolism.

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他是密切相关的文学运动的象征主义与颓废。He was closely associated with the literary movement of Symbolism and Decadence.

鸡的一部分,象征龙和凤凰在中国文化。Chicken forms part of the symbolism of the dragon and phoenix in Chinese culture.

由外来催生的俄罗斯象征主义,成为俄罗斯白银世纪最早涌现的文学新思潮。The Russian symbolism was a new literary trend in the White Silver Age of Russia.