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我娶她妻。I married her.

是去结婚吗?To get married?

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我从未结婚。I never married.

但你娶了我。But you married me.

你还没结婚吗?You’re not married?

你还是已婚的吗?Are you still married?

我曾喜欢结婚。I liked being married.

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克拉拉就这样结婚了。So. Clara got married.

但是他们从未结婚。But they never married.

她是个已婚的女人。She is a married woman.

她结了五次婚。She married five times.

你妈妈是二婚?Your mother is married?

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一年以后我们结婚了。A year later we married.

他结婚很晚。He married late in life.

因为我嫁错人啊!I married the wrong man.

他想结婚。He wanted to get married.

他们是2000年结的婚。They got married in 2000.

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他问我为什么结婚了?He asked me why I married?

她一生未嫁。She never married in life.

一位老朋友为他们证婚。An old friend married them.