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法伊表现为佩林在A。Fi and Palin in a performance.

我闻到一个小男孩儿的味道!Fee fi fo fum! I smell a little boy!

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你和你的丈夫吵架了。You're having a fi ght with your husband.

我要告诉你沙拉和思努比之间到底发生了什么。I"m fi"n to tell you what"s up with Sheila and Snoopy.

但一般来说,最好是首先把精力集中在运营发展。But in general, it’s best to focus on development fi rst.

要了解更多详情并搜索目的地,请访问outdoors.fi网站。Visit to learn more and search for destinations.

我对高保真度收音机发生了兴趣,我正在自己装配合。I've gotten interested in hi- fi. I'm building my own equipment.

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总结了锌系磷化膜的性能特点。Properties and features of zinc phosphating fi lm were summarized.

当你听我的高保真度录音机时,那就跟坐在音乐厅里一样!When you listen to my hi- fi set, it's like sitting in concert hall!

档案利用者研究是档案利用理论的重要组成部分。The research of file users is an important part in fi le using theory.

观察青海田鼠血清中鼠疫FI抗体动态。To observe the trends of plague FI antibody in serums of Microtus fuscus.

不要让你的敌人安逸地在分矿采集资源。Don’t let your enemy drain resources from auxiliary sites without a fi ght!

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链接应该从芬兰语网站只,首选。科幻领域。Links should be from Finnish language websites only, preferred . fi domains.

精修理电视机,音响系统,录影机,装置天线及家用电器。Speciallise in Repairing TV Video, Hi- Fi , Stereo and other Home Appliance.

中药的药物性肝损害是中医药界研究的热点问题。Herbal drug-induced liver injury is a hot issue in the fi eld of TCM researches.

待粥煮成,确定浮子已下沉,打开煲盖,再按任何。When Floater sinks down, open lid. Add fi sh balls and press any button to boil.

为什麽我们哈佛的学生,有那麽多人到金融、谘询和电子银行去工作?Why are we going in such numbers from Harvard to fi nance, consulting, i-banking?

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我本来很喜欢这类超酷的电影的.我的天啊,超酷科幻电影都怎么了?I would love for this to be cool. Hell, what happened to all the cool sci fi films?

上述结果表明,ABC-ELISA法是一种比常规ELISA法灵敏的检测鼠疫FI抗原的方法。So ABC-ELISA is a more sensitive method than routine ELISA in detecting plague FI antigen.

子非会馆确实是一个能够让成功商人宾至如归的地方。And, indeed, Zi Fi is a restaurant designed to make the successful businessman feel at home.