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所以审判前我不需要经过安全检查?I don't need security clearance for the pretrial?

辩护方常利用对其有利的庭审前的阶段。The defense uses the pretrial period to its own advantage.

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笔者主要探讨刑事庭前审查程序问题。The author only wants to discuss the criminal pretrial procedure.

第一部分,简要的分析审前程序的主要功能。The first part analyzed briefly major function of the pretrial procedure.

第一部分,审前羁押体制的限定及其研究意义。The first part tells about what'sthe precise meaning of the pretrial detaining.

为什么在民事诉讼审前程序中设置争点整理程序?Why is there the procedure of sorting out the issues in the civil pretrial procedure?

司法改革倡议者敦促限制预审羁押期限以更好地保护被告的权利。Judicial reform advocates have urged limiting pretrial detention to better protect defendants' rights.

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效率与效益是庭前准备程序设计的法理基础。Efficiency and benefit has always been the jurisprudential basis in the pretrial preparation procedure.

法庭一名书记员无意间将闭门预审的文字记录通过电子邮件透露给了七家新闻机构。A court clerk accidentally e-mailed the transcript of a closed pretrial hearing to seven media organizations.

刑事诉讼审前程序是我国刑事诉讼的重要环节。Writ system is a widely adopted pretrial criminal procedure in western courtiers which is based on the indep.

审前羁押是民主法治国家中必要的恶害,适用上应坚持例外原则与比例原则。In application of the pretrial detainment the principle of exception and proportionality should be maintained.

第一章主要解决民事争点整理程序的概念及其本质问题。Chapter 3 is the criticism on the reason of law of the civil pretrial procedure of sorting out the issue in China.

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审前程序的功能主要在于保障程序公正和提高程序效益。The function of the pretrial procedure lies in procedure justice guarantee and procedure benefit enhancing mainly.

星期天,日本的法院同意了检察官提出的延长十天庭前拘留的请求。On Sunday, a Japanese court approved a request by prosecutors to extend the captain’s pretrial detention for 10 days.

这不仅制约了民事审前程序的发展,还同时牵绊了整个审判制度改革的步伐。These problems hinder not only the development of pretrial preparation but also the reform on the whole trial system.

基于无罪推定原则的要求,作为一种程序性裁判机制的审前羁押只能是一种例外的、最后才能采取的手段。For the demand of the doctrine of the presumption of innocence the pretrial detain should only be an exceptional measure.

诉前程序,与诉讼程序、诉讼后的执行程序一齐,是纠纷当事人寻求司法救济不可缺少的制度保障一环。Pretrial proceedings, legal proceedings and enforcement proceedings are all essential to the parties to settle the dispute.

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虽然在我国构建庭前审查程序存在着一定的困难,但是也有着三个有利的条件。Although constructing our pretrial review procedure have the some difficulties, but also have three advantageous conditions.

但是,如果预审法官认定我们控方的证据充分,那么案件就可以进入正式审判阶段了。But if the pretrial chamber determines that there is sufficient evidence to support the charges, the case will proceed to trial.

借助于经济分析的工具,我们对审前羁押活动进行分析,从中可以发现一些提高诉讼效率的基本规律。The third is the efficiency. Making use of some economic analyzing tools, we can find many basic rules inthe pretrial detaining.