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别把我推向海市蜃楼。Do not push my mirage.

他认为这种繁荣的海市蜃楼。He thinks the boom is a mirage.

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印度则定购了18架幻影2000D。India has ordered 18 Mirage 2000D.

沙漠中的海市蜃楼是一种假象。A mirage in the desert is deceptive.

即使没能看到海市蜃楼的奇景。Though unable to see a mirage today.

他像是一团雾,漂移不定,变幻莫测。He is a vaporous and shifting mirage.

我目不转睛地看着水壶,似乎它是一个海市蜃楼似的。I stared at the canteen as if it were a mirage.

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而这样一个伟大的地方是幻影跷课。And the Mirage is such a great place to hang out.

如果运气好的话,我们可能看见海市奇观。If we are fortunate enough, we may see the mirage.

它在他眼前晃动,好像海市蜃楼里的绿洲。It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis.

热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景。The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage.

海市蜃楼是基于大气热潮产生的一种光学幻觉。A mirage is an optical illusion founded on waves of heat.

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但是,对很多人而言,这一乐观景象仍然只是一种幻想。But for too many, that optimistic picture is still a mirage.

可还记得那迷恋镜花水月的日子吗?Still remember the days when you are infatuated with mirage?

他们所说的绿洲很可能只是一种幻景。The oasis they point to may be just an illusion or a mirage.

几乎所有的人都认为海市蜃楼是一个虚像,但我却持不同意见。Almost all people think a mirage is an illusion, but I disagree.

幻影2000-9的作战能力更加全面而有效。Mirage 2000-9's combat ability is more comprehensive and effective.

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在这个紧密相联的世界里,先进经济体与新兴市场的“脱钩”只不过是一种幻想而已。In our inter-connected world, any thought of decoupling is a mirage.

李喜明对于使用幻影2000时遇到的一些困难也没有避讳。Li Ximing encountered some difficulties for using mirage 2000 no taboo.

这些幻想阻止你去看见显而易见,存在最珍贵的显象。The mirage stops you from seeing the obvious, the preciousness of Being.