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树叶迎着微风策策作响。The poplar leaves rustled in the wind.

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白杨树长得又直又高。Thee Poplar grows up straight and tall.

胡杨又名胡桐。Diversifolious poplar has another name-poon.

杨木的家具质量还是不错的。Furniture made of poplar is of good quality.

奇异的果实悬挂在白杨树上Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

这棵垂柳比这棵杨树高。The weeping willow is taller than the poplar.

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一只红色小猫迷惘地躺在白杨树下。One red mitten lying lost under a poplar tree.

柳树和杨树应在夏末时修剪。Prune willow and poplar trees late in the summer.

外汇20内阁是由15毫米杨木胶合板。The FX 20 cabinet is made of 15mm poplar plywood.

风吹着白杨树叶沙沙地响。The leaves of the poplar trees rustled in the wind.

杨树是最速生的树种之一。Poplar is one of the most fast-growing forest trees.

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杨树的组织培养及其基因工程研究。Studies on tissue culture and gene engineering of poplar.

我赞美白杨树那挺拔的树干。I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar.

对各无性系进行了田间对比试验。Field contrast experiments were done among every poplar clones.

从而提高了该转基因毛白杨雄株的抗虫性。So the insect-resistance of transgenic male poplar was improved.

覆盖提高了杨树叶片养分浓度。Mulching heightened the nutrient concentrations of poplar leaves.

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认为杨木和玉米芯是比较理想的木材垫料原料。In fact, the white poplar and corncob are ideal bedding materials.

白杨树没有倒垂的叶片,我也从没有垂头丧气的日子。Poplar leaves is not reversed pendulum, and I never dejected life.

我突然发现,不知从什么时候起,我就是一棵白杨树。I suddenly found that I do not know since when I was a poplar tree.