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但是他沉默无语。But He is silent.

安东尼奥一声不吭。Antonio was silent.

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只能默默不语。Can only be silent.

她沉默不语.She remains silent.

他继续沉默不语。He continued silent.

儿子默然不语。His son kept silent.

团队寂静无声。The Team was silent.

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饥饿是听不见的。Hunger can be silent.

屋子里寂静无声。The house was silent.

寂静的天宫,清冷。Silent Temple, chilly.

你为什么不吭声?Why do you keep silent?

无花果树沉默无语。The Fig tree was silent.

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看着,听着,我默默无语。See, hear, and am silent.

沉默的布兰库西的房间。The Brancusi room, silent.

接下来第二步则是连结默然。Being silent is the second.

穷人总是沉默的。The poor are always silent.

年轻的新娘沉默了。The young bride was silent.

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屋子里所有的人都不作声。All were silent in the room.

沉默是今晚的康桥!Silent is Cambridge tonight!

他坐在角落里一声不吭。He sits silent in the corner.