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矢志不移地追求你的爱恋。Your love I do seek.

我一定要把他们找出来。I will seek them out.

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我从文字中找寻慰藉。I seek comfort in them.

这是我们所寻求的世界。That is the world we seek.

我的刀在寻求着复仇!My blade has seek veagence.

人们探求真理。Human beings seek the Truth.

寻找证据。Seek corroborating evidence.

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我们永远不称霸。We will never seek hegemony.

一直寻求兽医师的意见。Always seek veterinary advice.

不要耻于寻求帮助。Don't be ashamed to seek help.

找寻自我控制、管理之道。Seek the path of self mastery.

致力于理解与接受。Seek to understand and accept.

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我们寻求一种客户掌控。We seek to be customer-driven.

什么时候应该寻求帮助?When should someone seek help?

挑选出你的好的有趣的朋友。Seek out your good fun friends.

谋求持久的不均衡。Seek persistent disequilibrium.

我一直在寻找信靠并在你里面找到了。Trust I seek and I find in you.

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那是一种我们应该找寻的情绪状态。It is an emotion we should seek.

渡鸦爱觅腐尸。The raven will seek the carrion.

我们不想在那里有军事基地。We seek no military bases there.