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爸爸有一个梳小胡子的梳子。Dad has a comb for his mustache.

他的父亲剃了小胡子。His father shaved off his mustache.

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他嘴唇上有一排胡子,下颔蓄着一撮山羊须。He had a mustache and a pointed beard.

我秃头,有大胡子,戴眼镜。I have a big mustache. I wear glasses.

一个小胡子也能引起小小的关注。A mustache got little attention as well.

他是非常好的人,有一点儿小胡子。He's a very nice guy, he has a mustache.

你认识那个留胡子那人吗?You know the guy with the ironic mustache?

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拖延症是试着长胡子。Procrastination is trying to grow mustache.

他的小胡子并不碍他喝汤。He can eat soup just fine with that mustache.

今天我想用热蜡除掉小胡子。Today, I wanted to remove my mustache hair with hot wax.

他的海象胡子在笑眯眯的嘴巴上抖动着。His great walrus mustache curved above his beaming mouth.

那个用左轮枪留着史诗般胡子的陆战队员是谁?Who is the Marine with the revolver and the epic mustache?

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一位有胡子且蓄有又长且捲曲著小圈圈长发的男子。A man with a mustache wearing a tall twirls in a tight circle.

它的面部还有看起来有点像小胡子的斑纹。He had markings that looked a bit like a mustache and goatee.

一天,在邮局附近,我看见一个小孩,居然长着胡子。One day I saw near the post office a little boy witha mustache.

乔治克拉克是一个有着海象一样胡须脸上刮得很干净的男人。George Clark was a clean-cut-looking man with a large walrus mustache.

每当看到驾照时,海绵宝宝都会扯到跟胡子有关的事情。Every time a license is seen, Spongebob says something about a mustache.

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小货车停了下来,劳娜看到的是个怒气冲冲、满脸胡须、肌肉发达的男人。As the truck stopped, she saw the scowling, muscled man with the mustache.

他穿着高及膝盖的皮护腿,留着海象般的八字胡,真是个古怪的老家伙。He is the queer old duck with the knee-length gaiters and walrus mustache.

我穿牛仔裤和运动衫,我有长长的头发和胡子。I wore jeans and sweatshirts and had long hair and a mustache. I falt free.