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“该系统非常有利于大规模生产,”奥斯本说。The system is very conducive to mass production, " said Osborn ."

好心的奥斯本先生愿意把矮脚柜送到我家,再远就不行了。Osborn was willing to take the lowboy as far as my house but no farther.

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就在一周前的这场比赛,有一个在底特律奥斯本射击。Just a week prior to this tournament, there was a shooting at Detroit Osborn.

来自纽约市的杰里米。奥斯伯恩说,他们这一代人看到如何能为抗击气候变化出力。Jeremy Osborn from New York City says his generation sees what needs to be done to curb climate change.

奥斯本还指出,经济局局长拥有阳光,以便有效地转化为可用能源的世界纪录。Osborn also noted that SES holds the world's record for efficiently converting sunlight to usable energy.

兆邦的康复进度理想,很快便可停服抗排斥药,并能转至普通病房。Osborn rehabilitation progress ideal, can quickly stop taking anti-rejection drugs, and can be transferred to ordinary ward.

淑贤与绮铃母子追究逸升带兆邦出外的责任,甚至要控告他。Shu xian and yee bell mother and child shall be investigated for ease belt Osborn out of responsibility, and even to accuse him.

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莎朗奥斯伯恩否认欺骗了他的丈夫,并且向警方提起指控,控告他的骚扰行为,本报报道说。Sharon Osborn denies cheating on her husband and has filed a police complaint against him for harassment, the newspaper report said.

奥斯伯恩告诉太阳报,他起先同意接纳他的妻子,但是在他再次起疑心时,决定采取更加极端的措施。Osborn told The Sun he initially agreed to take his wife back but decided more drastic measures were needed after he again became suspicious.

兆邦知道毅昕的工作表现出色,叹女儿即将嫁到彼邦,他不能强求女儿牺牲幸福留下来。Osborn know YiXin performance outstanding, sigh a daughter is married to Peter bond, he cannot importune daughter sacrifice happiness to stay.

在类似底特律西北部的Brightmoor,或者位于东北部的奥斯本地区,你可以看到在美国绝无仅有的场景——损毁的、破败的、被遗弃的房屋。In areas like Brightmoor in the north-west, or Osborn in the north-east, you can see scenes of vandalism, decay and abandonment unparalleled in America.

“我估计,我们在探索深水区时发现的动物有一半以上都是之前科学界未见过或未描述过的。”奥斯本在一份电子邮件里写道。"I would estimate that when exploring the deep water column, more than half the animals we see are undescribed or new to science," Osborn said in an email.

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玛丽简也有怀疑她与蜘蛛侠的改变自我,彼得派克,派克和增长接近的童年好友哈里奥斯本。Mary Jane is also having doubts about her relationship with Spider-Man's alter ego, Peter Parker, and grows closer to Parker's childhood friend Harry Osborn.

现在的发现提示这样的数字技巧可能成为一个未被承认的因子,作者奥斯本博士和同事来自田纳西州纳什维尔的范德比尔特大学。The current findings suggest that such number skills may be an unrecognized factor, write Dr. Chandra Y. Osborn and colleagues at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

“我实在是太激动了,”奥斯本说起她第一眼看到它时的感觉,“它实在是太吸引人了,因为它和之前被描述过的所有动物种类都很不同,尤其是它那顶神奇的‘帽子’。”"I was really excited," Osborn said of her first glimpse. "It was so tantalizing because the animal was so different from anything previously described, with the fantastic headgear."