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她脸上立刻露出了不同意的表情。An insistently disapproving expression came upon her face.

但是,在这种亲切感下存在着这样的危险。But there is a danger in claiming such kinship too insistently.

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那老太太坚持说她的女儿是被谋杀的。The old lady insistently alleged that her daughter was murdered.

没事从他的嘴出来,但是他的胃坚持地继续用力举起。Nothing came out of his mouth, but his stomach insistently continued to heave.

人生最大的悲哀就是偏执地爱着一个不爱自己的人。The greatest grief in life is insistently loving someone who doesn't love you.

大家都停顿下来,伊波利特公爵十分迫切地要求大家用心听他讲故事。Prince Ippolit had so eagerly, so insistently called for the attention of all for his story.

反对资产阶级自由化,我讲得最多,而且我最坚持。Bourgeois liberalization, I am the one who has talked about it most often and most insistently.

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因此,我们应该始终一贯地宣导和坚持用道德精神去践行我们的教育事业。On that basis, we should carry out insistently the moral spirit in our educational cause forever.

如果我们现在开始有规律锻炼并坚持下去,我们万年的生活会更健康,更幸福。So our late life will be more healthy and happy if we start the exercise regularly and insistently.

在他的余生中克里希那穆提一直坚拒他人尝试强加于他的印度教宗师的地位。For the rest of his life Krishnamurti insistently rejected the guru status that others tried to foist upon him.

作为现代文化中最为决绝与激烈的反叛者的鲁迅,因为自小与佛教文化的因缘让他与佛教文化有着极为密切的联系。It is lu-xun who rebel against the feudal culture insistently . He had related to Buddhism when he was a child.

“不懈的追求质量,一切为了客户”是万通一贯的质量方针。" insistently pursuing high quality , everything is for our customers " is hamaton consistent quality principle.

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我在19岁那年开始培养英语阅读的兴趣,后来一直持续不断的阅读来自例如报纸,杂志,小说网络等等的英语读物。I've been insistently reading English materials such as news paper, magazine, novels and web sites since I was 19.

在注意到我和朋友好奇地打量狗肉的时候,摊主便执意对其自卖自夸。The stallholders insistently extol the virtues of the latter when they notice me and my friend looking on curiously.

这是我感兴趣,望着这些蚕固执地、勤奋地工作着,我感到我和它们非常相似,像它们一样,我总是吧耐心集中在一个目标上。I was interested in it and I felt I was just like them, working hard and insistently and focusing myself on my target all the time.

这个梦因此不断地被重复,从那些遭遇父亲死亡的人的嘴中。佛洛伊德如何来处理这个梦呢?This dream then was repeated insistently in the months which followed the death of his father, and how is Freud going to tackle it?

他还预计核武器危险的,口语和写作坚持对需要更加开放的国家之间的沟通。He also anticipated the dangers of nuclear weapons, speaking and writing insistently about the need for more open communication among nations.

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陶氏化学公司通过裁员和出售非战略性业务降低运营成本,坚持推进转型战略。In Dow, a transformation strategy is insistently advanced by reducing the staff and selling non-strategic assets to decrease its operation cost.

打字机店的人又在吵着要他交费了,说要严格照合同办事,要求预支租金。The type- writer people were again clamoring for money, insistently pointing out that according to the agreement rent was to be paid strictly in advance.

如果有人不断地盯着我们的脸,常会引起我们的厌恶,而不会对此人留下直率、诚的印象。The person who insistently fixes his eyes on our face is often more successful in arousing our dislike than impressing us with his directness and sincerity.