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氟中毒是全世界广泛存在的一种人畜共患性地方病。Fluorosis is zoonosis in many parts of the world.

流感是一种疾病指的是人畜共患病。Influenza is a type of disease referred to a zoonosis.

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布氏杆菌病是一种流行广泛、危害很大的人畜共患病。Brucellosis is a kind of epidemic which is widespread and of zoonosis.

本实验的分析结果,对人畜共患HEV的防治起到了重要预警作用。Survey results reacted early-warning on the prevention and cure of zoonosis HEV.

囊型包虫病是一种被忽视的人畜共患病,仍然威胁着西班牙的人和动物的健康。CE is a neglected zoonosis that remains a human and animal health concern for Spain.

包虫病是一种流行于全世界范围的动物源性寄生虫病,主要是由棘虫绦虫幼虫期所引发。Hydatid disease is a worldwide zoonosis produced by the larval stage of the Echinococcus tapeworm.

炭疽病是五大人畜共患病之一,对畜牧业及人类健康的危害很大。Anthrax is one of the five supremacies zoonosis and is a great harm to stock farming and human's health.

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猴痘是一种病毒性人畜共患病,人类中出现的症状与过去在天花病人身上所看到的症状相似。Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis with symptoms in humans similar to those seen in the past in smallpox patients.

致病性最强的是猪链球菌2型血清型,国内外流行广泛,也称为人畜共患病的病因。近年来。S. suilline serotype 2 is considered to be the most pathogenic and prevalent capsular type, is also a zoonosis.

单增李斯特菌是一种可在低温下生长、能引起人畜共患病的食源性致病菌。Listeria monocytogenes is a kind of food-borne pathogenic bacterium strain grown at low temperature and can cause zoonosis.

猫抓病是一种由巴尔通体属细菌引起的人畜共患病,在世界范围内广泛流行。Cat scratch disease is a kind of zoonosis that caused by a bacterium of the genus Bartonella, and has a worldwide distribution.

根据对4种景观区391个疫点的研究结果,发现了黄鼠鼠疫动物病的空间聚集性。We discovered the spacious aggregation on plague zoonosis of citellus dauricus through the research of 391 foci of 4 typal lands-capes.

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方法依据长江三峡库底卫生清理技术规范,统计分析库区内人畜共患病发病情况。Methods The standard disinfection and vector control practises issued by China CDC, to analysis the data of zoonosis in Three Gorges area.

但近几年来一些畜禽细菌性、病毒性疾病和某些人畜共患病给养殖业和人们的身体健康带来了严重威胁。But recent years, animal bacterial diseases, viral disease and some zoonosis have seriously threatened animal husbandry and people's health.

气单胞菌是新发现的致人畜共患病的病原菌,其生物学性状复杂多变,种株的鉴定较困难或误判。Aeromonas trota is the new pathogen of zoonosis . Its biological characteristics is complicated and the identification for the isolate is difficult.

钩端螺旋体病是一种最广泛的,由钩端螺旋体属中致病性钩端螺旋体引起的人畜共患病。该病对人畜健康造成极大的影响。Leptospirosis is a widespread zoonosis caused by pathogenic members of the genus Leptospira that has a great impact on human and veterinary public health.

该所的科学项目是以对分类学,分布学,生态学,动物行动学,动物生理学,寄生虫学,和人畜共患病问题的研究,分析,和解释为基础的。Its scientific programme is based on the study, analysis and interpretation of taxonomy, chorology, ecology, ethology, animal physiology, parasitology and the problems of zoonosis.

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炭疽是一种炭疽杆菌引起的人畜共患传染病,牛、羊、猪等家畜极易受染。Anthrax is a zoonosis and is a normal commensal of many species of grazing mammals such as sheep, cattle and goats, which are infected through ingestion of soil contaminated by B. anthracis spores.