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圣光得背叛者!Betrayer of the light!

我的血亲和我的背叛者。My blood and my betrayer.

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第三,撒但是一个叛徒。Thirdly, his work is a betrayer.

连卖他之人的脚他也洗了。He washed the feet of His betrayer.

背叛者。事实上,我才是被背叛的人。Betrayer. In truth, it was I who was betrayed.

叛徒者?事实上,是他们背叛了我才对!Betrayer? In truth, it was I who was betrayed.

迷路的叛徒在路上排列喷雾器。The stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.

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偶然的背信者在道路上排列喷雾器。The stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.

偶尔的背约者在道路上摆列喷雾器。the stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road.

我对于你来说是一个陌生人,你对于我来说是一个背叛者!I am a stranger as for you , you are a betrayer as for me!

你所做的一切就是杀了我的看守者还放跑那个背叛者!What you did was murder my Watchers and set the Betrayer free!

但是,背叛者伊利丹的到来撼动了他对外域的统治。And when the time is right, the betrayer will become, the betrayed.

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我们决定在资料片里不再增加纹身系统。We decided to not pursue any tattooing system for Mask of the Betrayer.

但是,背叛者伊利丹的到来撼动了他对外域的统治。However, the arrival of Illidan the Betrayer shake his rule of the external domain.

而杨致远说这些“背叛者”都是一些没有经验的新手,但事实并非如此。And Jerry Yang said the "betrayer" are not new to the experience, but this is not the case.

我可以相信你自己是一个胆小的人,可总不会是一个怯懦地出卖你的最好的朋友的人吧。I'll believe you are a coward for yourself, but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend.'

依勒内攻击的目标就包括犹大福音和那些推崇这个耶稣的出卖者的人。Among Irenaeus' targets were the Gospel of Judas and anyone who looked favorably on Jesus' betrayer.

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因为一些政治操作,老牛被描述为背叛者,并被小咆哮谋杀…Due to some political manipulations, Cairne Bloodhoof gets painted as a betrayer and is murdered by Garrosh.

圣依勒内反对的目标包括犹大福音和任何由于读了这本福音书而认同这个出卖了耶稣的人。Irenaeus' targets included the Gospel of Judas and anyone who, because of this text, looked favorably on Jesus' betrayer.

波卡洪塔斯的形象其实一直备受争议,她被赋予的角色从开国之母到族人叛徒皆尔有之。Pocahontas has since had a mixed legacy, having been portrayed as everything from the mother of a nation to betrayer of her people.