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拳击手挡住了一拳。The boxer turned a punch.

那名拳击手在第5回合佯倒了。The boxer dove in the fifth.

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拳击手一连击倒了五个对手。The boxer KOed five in a row.

这名拳击手把对手击昏了。The boxer dazed his opponent.

杨四耕就是拳击手。Yang Sigeng is a boxer indeed!

拳击手学习急速扭头和闪身。A boxer learns to bob and weave.

这名拳击手把对手打翻在地。The boxer grounded his opponent.

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拳击师向他的对手猛烈进攻。The boxer tied into his opponent.

拳击手以3比0击败了对手。The boxer whaled his rival 3 to 0.

我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。I'm sure he'll make a master boxer.

我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。I' m sure he' ll make a master boxer.

她是个十足的巾帼拳击家。She is a regular boxer in petticoats.

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这拳击家希望东山再起。The boxer hopes to stage a come-back.

拳击手玩命地训练刺拳。A boxer works his left jab into the GROUND.

拳击运动员朝对手的鼻子猛击。The boxer punched his opponent on the nose.

年轻的拳师打败了卫冕冠军。The champion was dethroned by a young boxer.

拳击手在第三回会被打昏了。The boxer got knocked out in the third round.

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拳击手将对手击出了拳击台。The boxer poked his opponent out of the ring.

穿红色T恤衫的拳击手打败了对手。The boxer in red T-shirt whipped the opponent.

男孩就像一名拳击手一样在目测对手。The boy is like a boxer sizing up an opponent.