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下载开发人员工具箱。Download the developer kit.

苹果抛弃了错误的开发者。Apple jilted the wrong developer.

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开发所需的网络启动。Developer needed for web start-up.

它的开发者是松本行弘。It's developer is Yukihiro Matsumoto.

有无开发工具的考虑?Are there developer tool considerations?

我们在开发者日志中对此做了记录。We document this in the Developer Journal.

开发人员和测试人员间软件的交接handoff of software from developer to tester

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把染发剂和显影剂混合,充沛摇动使之平均。Mix the colorant with the developer and shake.

对于作为开发人员的您,这意味着什么呢?So what does this mean for you as a developer?

上世纪90年代末,复星集团发展成为了大型房地产开发商。By the late 1990s, Fosun was a major developer.

这会直接扩展到开发平台。This extends directly to the developer platform.

雇到一个好的程序员几乎是不可能的。It is nearly impossible to hire a good developer.

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这是一本每一个开发人员都必须阅读和拥有的书籍。A must-read and must-own book for every developer.

只是纯粹的语言,和开发者的创新。Just pure language, and creativity of the developer.

在苹果的官方开发者网站资源也很多,。There are also lots available at

详情请参阅服务Services开发指南。For more information, see the Services developer guide.

他代码写起来比团队的任何开发人员都快。He puts out code faster than any developer on the team.

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它与一个聪明的开发者有关——让我们称他为约翰。It is about a brilliant developer – lets call him John.

这个开发人员在整个sprint中都可以被人打搅。This developer would be disturbed for an entire sprint.

开发人员以组件化方式创建资产。The developer creates the asset in a componentized form.