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他们将这次事件成为阿瓦隆爆炸。They've dubbed the event the Avalon explosion.

华隆印刷机械是您理想的选择。Avalon printing machinery is your ideal choice.

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阿瓦隆的乳液和身体沐浴都非常物有所值。Avalon lotion and body wash are worth every cent.

我爱这款面霜,还有任何阿瓦隆的其他产品!LOVE this face lotion and anything else that is Avalon !

大概拂晓时分,男孩和父亲泡在阿瓦隆海滩旁的海水中。The boy and his father were in the water off Avalon at around dawn.

在另一项声明中说,丰田公司将召回在美国制造的阿瓦隆。In a separate statement Toyota said it would recall the US-made Avalon.

我唱给他们听,是弗兰基阿瓦隆的一首老歌,他的歌词我总是弄的一团糟。I sing to them, an old Frankie Avalon song, whose words I always butcher.

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我是在用完阿瓦隆的薄荷身体沐浴后用这款产品的,这两者结合起来很完美。I use this after the Avalon peppermint body wash and the two together are heaven.

据纳特拉所说,阿瓦隆和北欧地狱是同一处所在。According to Natla, Avalon and the Norse underworld of Helheim are one and the same.

西弗吉尼亚州的阿瓦隆度假村有常人活动,也有天体活动。Avalon resort, in northeastern West Virginia, takes ordinary activities to a nude level.

这里是亚瑟王之阿瓦朗岛旧址。Glastonbury is the traditional site of King Arthur's Isle of Avalon. Population, ', 773.

你要进入西南方的新阿瓦隆城镇大厅,并且暗杀市长。Make your way to the New Avalon Town Hall, southwest of here, and assassinate the mayor.

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航海巡线和亚洲龙水路线路由在长江航行的人提供。Viking River Cruises and Avalon Waterways are some of the operators which sail the Yangtze.

购票人和参加阿瓦隆舞厅表演节目的人士必须年龄达到19岁。Must be 19 years of age or older to purchase tickets or attend Avalon Ballroom performances.

阿瓦隆背后的想法是,你不应该在代码和图形用户界面由一个人开发的。The idea behind Avalon is that you should not have both code and GUI developed by a single person.

那里曾是西方传说中的极乐花园,是英雄的亚瑟国王和他的圆桌骑士们长眠的美丽小岛。Avalon , is it a shrine or a prison? Avalon , the legendary island where the souls of departed heroes come to rest.

管理的神奇童话境界,可以把阿瓦隆从一个荒芜岛屿转到美妙神奇的花园。Manage the magical fairy realm in order to transform Avalon from a desolated island to a wonderful enchanted garden.

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据阿瓦隆的网站,该度假村每年举办“裸体除夕夜”集会,对男士的着装要求是仅佩戴腰带,戴领结。Avalon also hosts a "Nude Year's Eve" gala, according to its Web site. Men are asked to wear a cummerbund and bow tie only.

阿瓦隆有机化妆品中,创造意识的意图,责任,效能意识和生命的价值。Avalon Organics creates Consciousness in Cosmetics, an awareness of intention, responsibility, efficacy and the value of life.

回避重新捕获,他们从阿瓦隆到岛上背面,进入印度的一个仪式集散中心绊脚石。Evading re-capture, they travel from Avalon to the backside of the island, stumbling into the center of a Ceremonial Indian Gathering.