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恳请莅临视察。Inspection is cordially invited.

他总是心怀赤忱的帮助别人。He always cordially helps others.

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西交利物浦大学赛扶团队诚邀您的加入!We cordially invite you to join us!

务希拨冗出席。Your presence is cordially requested.

上海庆余宾馆欢迎您。You are cordially welcome to Qingyu Hotel.

他热情地伸出手来和大家握手。He extended his hand cordially for handshaking.

赫斯渥十分热忱地和他们握手道别。Hurstwood shook hands with them most cordially.

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诚挚地邀请您参加我们周日的婚礼。You are cordially invited to our wedding on Sunday.

我赐给各位宗座的遐福。To all of you I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.

但是,她性情仁慈,待人诚恳。However, she is good-natured and treats others cordially.

他们盛情邀我加入本能现实主义派。I've been cordially invited to join the visceral realists.

到家以后,母亲并不怎么热诚地欢迎她们。They were not welcomed home very cordially by their mother.

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我们诚意邀请你方新开传奇发服好这个富有吸引力的报盘。You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer.

敦南诚恳地通知小敏,他曾经彻底原谅小敏。XiaoMin Nathan south cordially notice, he once thoroughly forgive XiaoMin.

东辰期待着与你成为新世纪初的合作伙伴。You are cordially welcome to become one of our partners in the new century.

敬祝成功!您的亲切的富兰克林·西蒙公司。With best wishes for your success, we are, Cordially yours, Franklin Simon & Co.

不过我们打算之后再举办一个聚会,到时我们一定会诚挚地邀请您。However, we will plan on a party later on, and you will be cordially invited then.

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第一次见面他们就谈得这么热乎,看来是个好兆头。It seemed a good sign that they're cordially hobnobbing at the first time meeting.

竭诚欢迎国内外广大新老客户光临爱伦阀门参观指导!We cordially welcome all the new and old customers to visit and guide valve Ellen!

诚邀您亲临论坛现场,与我们共同探索生死两相安的真谛。You are cordially invited to join us to explore the true meaning of living at ease.