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哈,对了,猫头鹰,呼?Ha, that's right, owls hoo?

对呀,有老鼠做晚餐,啊啊啊啊!Yes, mouse for supper, Hoo hoo. Hoo hoo!

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未完待续,胡威尔版权所有。To be continued, Hoover Hoo all rights reserved.

“轱辘辘……”箱子里滚出一只小胖猪来。"hoo loo_loo. "a little fat piglet came out of the box.

但是却没有精致可言-没有萨顿胡牙签。But there is nothing to indicate any refinement – there is no Sutton Hoo toothpick.

继而我们鼓励地大叫了“噢!”好几遍并将可怜的莫利交给这夜晚。" And we yelled "Hoo" a couple of times reassuringly and gave up poor Morl for the night.

杰克。胡是一位来自中国江苏的听众,他想知道目前美国大学生毕业后找工作情况。A listener in China, Jack Hoo from Jiangsu province, wants to know how American college graduates find jobs.

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中国被激怒了吗?哎哟喂,谁在乎啊?为了维护我们的利益和盟友,我们会做所有必要的事。China has been angered? Boo Hoo who cares? We will do what is necessary to protect our interests and our allies.

通过正交试验优化了倒卵叶五加多糖的提取分离工艺。This paper investigated the extraction and isolation technology of polysaccharides from Acanthopanax obovatus Hoo.

如同在索福克的苏顿胡埋藏点所发现的盎格鲁撒克逊皇家遗存一般,这真是无与伦比的发现。Spectacular discoveries, such as the royal finds at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, had been made in Anglo-Saxon burial sites.

她专注地撑着船,对我们的大惊小呼的兴奋很木然,许是天天在里面游走,身边就没有风景了吧。She managed to hold the boat, to our surprise Hoo excited very callous, perhaps every day inside walk around, no scenery.

几分钟内,收到来自海豹突击队战友和其它军事和非军事朋友如潮水般的信息。Hoo Yah!" Within minutes, a tidal wave of messages followed from fellow Navy SEALs and other military and nonmilitary friends.

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嘘…欺骗就是欺骗,我认为一旦发现违禁就应该被永久禁赛。Dean11 hours ago Boo hoo hoo. A cheat is a cheat and I feel that Olympics state national world competition should perm ban anyone caught cheating perm.

本文以中华五加木材为试材,就材性指标与构造因子之间的相互关系,进行了相关分析。A correlation analysis method has been used to find out the partial correlation coefficients between wood property parameters and structural factors of Acanthopanax sinensis Hoo.