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不要穿得太性感。Do not wear too sexily.

舞者随着乐曲性感地扭动着。The dancer twisted sexily to the music.

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那么你要像每个人那样令我可爱、令我性感地纯洁。Admit it like a real man, and make me lovely and sexily pure.

如今,越来越多的女人把着装性感视为美丽动人。Now, more and more women equate dressing sexily with being pretty.

事实上,红杉也是通过有性繁殖来产生下一代,虽然其过程来得不如其他生物性感。For those far removed from biology class, redwoods do reproduce sexually, albeit not very sexily.

我不知道还有哪位女演员能够像杰米·李·柯蒂斯那样将性感和幽默完美融合。I couldn’t think of any actress who could pull this scene off as sexily and comically as Jamie Lee Curtis does.

性感饱满、厚实有肉的美臀是最具有“致命吸引力”的部位。It is the position that have "deadly appeal "most to have beautiful buttocks of meat sexily and energetically , abundantly.

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总之,一个女孩打扮得性感,确实富有种种不同的意义,但绝不等同于愿意与人发生性关系。Anyhow, a girl dresses up sexily , be full of a variety of different meanings really, but do not be equal to have sex with the person at be willing absolutely.

当她表达了告白的持续性后,她牙尖嘴厉地请求他舞蹈,他立时举例,问她“我是应当如何跳呢,可爱或性感或强劲?When she sharply asked him to dance after showing him its continuity, he immediately set examples to her, asking her, "Should I dance cutely or sexily or powerfully?"

有时候,我会想像我自己非常自由、非常性感地在床上迎接许多不同的男人,有自己的事业,过着没有意义但却很刺激的生活。Occasionally, I can envisage myself to meet a lot of different men very unusual freedom, sexily on the bed, have oneself cause, live no point but very exciting however life.

一向以百变形象享誉乐坛的梅艳芳,为了自己从业二十周年纪念演唱会,特别染了一头金发,恍如东方麦当娜,衣着亦极尽性感。Anita Mui is well known for her ever-changing images. For her memorial concerts of her 20 years career, she has dyed her hair to blonde, looks like Eastern Madonna, she also dressed herself sexily.