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本条约须经批准方可生效。The treaty is subject to ratification.

如何办理“外国人入藏旅游批准函”?How to handle “the ratification of foreigners' travel to Tibet”?

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异国报酬何需要管理“入藏驴友核准函”?Why foreigners need to handle "the ratification of travel to Tibet"?

公约失效须经各缔约国的批准或接受。It shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States.

国会不顾公众的意见,建议修改条约。The senate recommended ratification of the treaty despite the public opion.

本条约须经各签字国批准。The present Treaty shall be subject to ratification by the signatory States.

严格执行外商投资项目核准制。I. Strictly executing the ratification system on foreign investment projects.

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该协议仍然需要参议院全体议员和俄罗斯杜马的批准。The agreement still requires ratification from the full Senate and the Russian Duma.

如有需求,每方代表需提供提供授权批准。Each party shall apply to its respective authorities for the ratification if required.

本公约将成为各签字国批准或接受的主题。This Convention shall be subject to ratification or acceptance by the signatory States.

事后的追认具有溯及力,与先前同意具有同等效果。A subsequent ratification has a retrospective effect, and is equivalent to a prior command.

权利人对无权处分的追认可以使处分行为有效。The obligee's ratification of unauthorized disposition can validate the disposition behavior.

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但参议院迟迟不批条约还有其财政方面的考虑。But there are also financial considerations behind the Senate's foot-dragging on ratification.

本宪法通过六个月后各成员国任命本国第一个参议院代表。Each date will appoint its first Senator six months afterthe ratification of this Constitution.

公司和投资商都希望政府制定长期政策,批准所签合同。Companies and investors will hope for policy continuity and the ratification of signed contracts.

被代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认。Where the principal does not respond, the non-response shall be deemed a refusal of ratification.

法定代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认。Where the legal agent does not respond, the non-response shall be deemed a refusal of ratification.

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法定代理人未作表示的,视为拒绝追认。It shall be regarded as a refusal of ratification that the statutory agent does not make any expression.

参加入围的公司必须具有自我品牌的注册权和拥有权,有合法的批准书。The invited companies must have their own trademark registration and possession, and letter of ratification.

美国总统奥巴马对于参议院通过被耽搁很久的、与俄罗斯签署的核武器条约表示欢迎。The US president has welcomed the US Senate's ratification of a much-delayed nuclear arms treaty with Russia.