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他的祖父?His grandfather?

你的祖父。Your grandfather.

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被他的外祖父。By his grandfather.

他是我的外公。He is my grandfather.

难道是祖父辈吗?Was he her grandfather?

这也是我的祖父。This is also my grandfather.

我爷爷抽烟抽得厉害。My grandfather smokes heavily.

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我祖父是个头面人物。My grandfather was a big shot.

巴松管表现的是祖父The bassoon is the grandfather.

她祖父现年90岁,仍很健康。Her grandfather is a healthy 90.

米梨的祖父是做什么工作的?What does Mili's grandfather do?

他爷爷是个钱币收藏家。His grandfather is a numismatist.

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爷爷,求您给我们送来雨云吧!Send us rain clouds, Grandfather.

向爷爷摇手再见。Wave goodbye to your grandfather.

我的祖父每天早上慢跑。My grandfather jogs every morning.

我的祖父曾经闻过鼻烟。My grandfather used to take snuff.

我祖父是一九二一年结婚的。My grandfather got married in 1921.

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我的祖父特别喜欢盆栽。My grandfather loves potted plants.

爷爷看见了,把小花猫抱起来一扔。Grandfather saw, the cat up a throw.

我的祖父已年老。My grandfather is in his anecdotage.