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萼裂片通常具缘毛。Calyx lobes often ciliate.

叶片和萼裂片的边缘具缘毛。Margin of leaf blades and calyx lobes ciliate.

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结肠小袋绦虫是一种造成腹泻的巨大纤毛虫。Balantinium coli is a giant ciliate that causes diarrhea in humans.

大多数海洋腹足纲软体动物在某些幼体阶段形成一种有纤毛的游泳器官。Most marine gastropod mollusks develop a ciliate swimming organ in certain larval stages.

花瓣红色的或绿色微染略带紫色,近匙形的到扇形,1-1。7毫米,边缘具缘毛。Petals red or green tinged purplish, subspatulate to flabellate , 1-1. 7 mm, margin ciliate.

报导了一种经过改进的用于浮游纤毛虫定量研究的蛋白银染色方法。A modified protargol staining method for quantitative study of planktonic ciliate ecology has been reported.

小核,微核原生动物纤毛虫类体内两个细胞核中较小的一个,其中含有。The smaller of two nuclei in ciliate protozoans that contains genetic material and functions in reproduction.

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春季时本研究海域主要是受到南海水的影响,大部分的有钟纤毛虫种类均随机分布在整个水体中。In spring, when the South China Sea Water influenced this study area, most tintinnid ciliate species were randomly distributed through out the water column.

表明中药复方可以用于大黄鱼体内寄生纤毛虫病的防治。This case has strongly indicated that the Chinese herbal formula can be used for large yellow croaker in the prevention and treatment of endoparasitic ciliate disease.

钟虫一种钟虫属有纤毛的原生动物,具有铃状的身体,常连在一个植物或其它物体的细茎上并居住于水下。Any of various ciliate protozoans of the genus Vorticella, having a bell-shaped body and living underwater on a slender stalk often attached to a plant or other object.

本文首次报道,罗源湾内网箱养殖的大黄鱼发现一种由体内寄生纤毛虫引起的新的疾病。In this paper, it is first reported that a new disease caused by one kind of endoparasitic ciliate has existed among the cage-cultured large yellow croakers in Luoyuan Bay, Fuzhou, China.