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上诉法院命令重审。The Court of Appeal ordered a retrial.

一个上诉庭要求对里伊纳一案进行复审。An appeals court ordered a partial retrial for Mr. Riina.

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由于初审中陪审员裁决意见不一致,所以需要复审。A retrial was necessary after the original trial ended with a hung jury.

当事人可就重审案件的判决或裁定进行上诉。The litigants may appeal against a judgment or a ruling derived from the retrial.

人民法院审理再审案件,应当另行组成合议庭。The people's court shall form a new collegial panel for the purpose of the retrial.

当事人对重审案件的判决、裁定,可以上诉。The parties may appeal against the judgment or order rendered in a retrial of their case.

正是在这一原则的指导下,使得一些民事纠纷陷入无限的再审之中而难以“斩断青丝”。It is under this principle some civil disputes is in unlimited retrial and can not resovled.

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民事再审制度改革是当前民事诉讼制度改革的一个重点。The reform on the civil retrial system is a keypoint in the reform for civil retrial system now.

第一百八十条当事人申请再审的,应当提交再审申请书等材料。Article 180 A party that applies for retrial shall submit a retrial petition and other materials.

第二部分我国刑事二审发回重审制度存在的问题和原因。The second part introduces the problems and causes of the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

伊恩·斯塔福思·希尔法官说陪审团的任务是“不可能完成的事”,于是下令重审。Judge Ian Starforth Hill said the jury's task was "beyond the realms of possibility" and ordered a retrial.

当事人对重审案件的判决、裁定,可以上诉。The parties concerned may appeal against the judgment or written order rendered in a retrial of their case.

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我国立法规定的民事再审案件范围过于原则,造成近年来民事审判监督工作中的无序现象越来越明显。The scope of civil retrial cases is too of principle which causes apparent disorder in trail work, practice.

我国的发回重审制度极其简陋,实践中发回重审的适用更是具有极大的不确定性,且有扩大化的趋势。Chinese retrial system in criminal procedure is simple and uncertainty, it tends to be magnified in practice.

第三章案外人申请再审制度构建之理论基础与现实需求。Chapter Three---The Theoretical Foundation and Practical need of the Third Party's Applying for Retrial System.

诉讼代理人为了申请再审的需要,可以查阅已经审理终结的所代理案件有关材料。A law agent may consult the materials relating to the case it represents for the purpose of applying for retrial.

民事再审之诉是大陆法系国家普遍采取的纠正错误判决、裁定的救济手段。Civil action for retrial is a remedy used broadly in continental system of law for correcting mistaken judgments.

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而我国民事再审制度存在的缺陷和不完善则严重影响生效裁判的既判力。However, there are some flaws in the civil retrial procedure of our country, which severely prevent res judicata.

那我国的审判监督程序是否就是大陆法系国家的再审制度呢?。Does the adjudication supervision procedure of our country belong to the retrial systems of continental law system?

民事再审程序实质是一种纠错程序,其主要宗旨是对有错误的生效判决、裁定进行修正,以实现公平正义。The essence of civil retrial procedure is an error- correcting one whose aim is to revise error for the sake of just.