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梅利莎与她本垒打。Melissa with her homers.

这是罗宾和梅利莎。?。This is Robin and Melissa.

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梅丽莎和亨利有花儿。Melissa and Henry accept the annuals.

梅莉莎继续称心如意地骑着自行车玩耍。Melissa continued to ride a bike agreeable to play.

戈弟和梅莉莎在机场闲逛。Gordie and Melissa are hanging around at the airport.

恭喜你,玛丽莎,并感谢你打了头阵。Congratulations, Melissa – and thanks for leading the way.

梅利莎悄悄溜进来坐在葆拉身边,她的丈夫在对面坐下。Melissa slid in beside Paula, and her husband sat opposite.

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梅利莎说乔恩马克“一直对我非常好。”And Melissa says Jon-Marc has “always been very good to me.”

我教的一年级学生里,梅莉莎是最聪明的几个小孩之一。Melissa was one of the brightest children in my first grade.

梅丽莎•扎波尼克是七大洋展馆的资深伺养员。Melissa Zabojnik is a senior keeper at the Seven Seas exhibit.

梅丽莎鼓励他接受这份工作,并说她会跟他一起去东边。Melissa encouraged him to take it and said she’d follow him east.

梅莉莎转过身来,看着我。泪水开始淌过她的双颊。Melissa turned and looked at me. Tears started to run down her cheeks.

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艾米是伴娘,凯丽,安布尔和梅利莎做女傧相。Amy was the maid of honor and Kyrie, Amber, and Melissa were the bridesmaids.

项目开展以来,研究者梅丽莎·波和她的团队已经采访了35位采摘者。Since then, researcher Melissa Poe and her team have interviewed 35 foragers.

加西亚跟梅丽莎和乔恩马克说,她已经准备好要做祖母了。Garcia joked with Melissa and Jon-Marc that she was ready to be a grandmother.

虽然梅莉莎很忙,但是她用电子邮件跟很多朋友保持联络。Though Melissa is very busy, she maintains contact with many friends bye-mail.

梅丽飒感到难熬地孤寂,最好的朋友因结婚而搬走了。Melissa was desperately lonely since her best friend had married and moved away.

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几周后,他们夫妇俩发现,梅利莎怀孕了,而且是对双胞胎。A couple weeks later, the couple found out that Melissa was pregnant. With twins.

但是乔恩马克说他立马就发现了梅丽莎很漂亮,而且他喜欢她的无礼。But Jon-Marc says he immediately found Melissa beautiful and liked her sassiness.

与子女牢固的关系帮助梅丽莎维持她的高级社会地位。Strong relationships with her children helped Melissa maintain her social ranking.