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有反抗心理的孩子们拒绝听老师的话。The mutinous children refused to obey their teacher.

以这个名义,他收集了搞叛变和颠覆活动的阴谋计划的情报。In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs.

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但是在科纳克里的VOA记者称没人打算阻止暴动的士兵。But a reporter for VOA in Conakry says no one tried to stop the mutinous soldiers.

波格尔团结其他下等人,组成一支叛军,企图推翻哈迪斯政权。Gathering other Lessers, Poggle formed a mutinous brigade to topple Hadiss's regime.

基德处决了自己的枪手,威廉·莫尔,使这位桀骜不驯的手下永远地安静了。Kidd killed his own gunner, William Moore. The act held quiet what had been a mutinous crew.

昔日当眷恋的水兵加以镣铐时,没有人被允许除去他们的枷锁。When mutinous sailors were put in irons in the olden days, nobody was allowed to unshackle them.

昔日当叛变的水手被戴上镣铐时,任何人都不许除去他们的枷锁。When mutinous sailors were put in irons in the olden days, nobody was allowed to unshackle them.

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暴动的农场家畜们逃离了它们的压迫者并建立起一个家畜乌托邦。Animal Farm. George Orwell. Mutinous farm animals run off their oppressor to establish a livestock utopia.

接着率起义部队上井冈山,发动土地革命,创立第一个农村革命根据地。Then rate mutinous troops, Jinggangshan, launched agrarian revolution, the creation of a rural revolutionary base.

我同意让死神变成放射线的形状,化作脉冲波进入我的身体,杀死我身体里的那些狂暴不能自抑的癌细胞。And I agreed to let death, in the form of radiation, pulse into my flesh so that it could kill my mutinous cancer cells.

但是比利时委员会告诉BBC,所有路线均已满客,或者价格太高,这些反叛的学生支付不起。But the Belgian council told the BBC most routes were already full or too expensive for the mutinous students to afford.

但他警告说,叛乱军官和反对派领导人,夺取政权的任何举动将被视为非法。But he warned mutinous army officers and opposition leaders that any move to seize power would be considered illegitimate.

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对一个胁迫长官、实行哗变的旅当然应该加以包围,并采用停止一切供应措施,迫使它投降。A mutinous brigade threatening its officers should certainly be surrounded and forced to surrender by stoppage of all supplies.

不过,要提醒你的是,这却可能是反抗父母主张最危险最糟糕的一次。Nevertheless, wanting those who remind you is, this may be mutinous parents when advocate the most dangerous and worst cake however.

由TJ·弗雷姆设计的它是一个加长镜头的一部分,在那个镜头里,尤达扮成发疯的隐士,转移几个叛变克隆人士兵的注意力。Designed by TJ Frame, it was to be part of an extended scene where Yoda distracts some mutinous clone troopers by acting like a crazy hermit.

结果是,由于从互联网审查中搜索来迅速逮捕异见者,中国在这场暴动蔓延中风平浪静。As it turns out, China has been left unfazed by this mutinous trend for reasons ranging from internet censorship to the swift arrests of dissidents.

孟加拉国军事官员说军队揭示了沉重的真相,在达卡被造反边界士兵杀死的士兵的尸体。Bangladeshi military officials say troops have uncovered a mass grave believed to hold the bodies of soldiers killed by mutinous border guards in Dhaka.

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几内亚比绍选民正在选举新的领袖。周日的选举是为了取代五个月前被叛军杀害的总统若昂·贝尔纳多·维埃拉之位。Voters in Guinea-Bissau are choosing a new leader. Sunday's election is meant to replace President Joao Bernardo Vieira, who was killed by mutinous troops five months ago.

周五的一篇涡轮机展厅的报道称现场有些微的火药味,有位观众给媒体说,“我们应该冲破护栏。”One report from the Turbine hall gallery space on Friday stated that there was a ‘faintly mutinous air, ’ with one visitor suggesting to the press, ‘Maybe we should kick down the barriers.’

雪落在黑暗的中央平原的各个角落,落在没有树木的小山上,轻柔地飘落艾伦沼泽上,再往西,轻柔地飘落在香农河奔流翻涌的黑色水波中。It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves.