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大家在聚会上玩得都很开心。Everyone had a weel time in party.

胚轴或幼茎的嫁接亲合力是个人满意的。The grafting affinity of plumular axis or caulicle is weel.

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如果这一点方向盘的作品我很多网页需要生成球迷。If this works out weel have many pages i need to generate fans for.

本法测定结果与酸碱滴定法的结果符合。The results agreed weel with those obtained by volumetric analysis.

寻找一个可靠的合作伙伴来处理类似的项目。如果这一点方向盘的作品我很多网页需要生成球迷。Looking for a reliable partner to handle similar projects . If this works out weel have many pages i need to generate fans for.

今天状态还不错,昨晚吃了一粒安眠药,睡得很好,早上出去散步了近一个小时。Today my spirit is very good. Last night I took one sleeping pill, so I slept very weel. This morning I walked outside almost one hour.

介绍了矿用自动控制风门摩擦轮钢丝绳的缠绕方式及轮廓曲线的设计计算。The winding form of steel rope and the design of weel curve on frictional wheel mechanism to au-romaticly control air valve is introduced.

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笔者认为,这有赖于教师教育观的转变,同时还要求教师要有合适的教学方法,能积极创造条件开展形式多样的课外活动。It's believed that it lies in the change of teachers' educational ideas, proper teaching methods as weel as rich and varied activities after class.

本周,在我们的外国学生系列中我们将会谈到更多有关于美国大学的认证。This weel week, in part 7 of our foreign student serials Foreign Student Series, we talk more about accreditation of American colleges and universities.

如果车子抛锚了,你会如何感想?你会生气吗?你会否猛击车上的铁鍊?我的一个朋友就把铁鍊弄下来!How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic?Do you lose your temper?Pound on the steering weel?A fried of mine had the steering wheering wheel fall off.

如何培养学生的创新能力?笔者认为,这有赖于教师教育观的转变,同时还要求教师要有合适的教学方法,能积极创造条件开展形式多样的课外活动。But how to foster students' innovation ability?It's believed that it lies in the change of teachers' educational ideas, proper teaching methods as weel as rich and varied activities after class.