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嗨,是总务处吗?Hi. Is this supply?

您一定得输入作品名称。You must supply a title.

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更多供应正源源而来。More supply is on the way.

从供应曲线上面跳下去吧!Go jump off a supply curve!

另有蒸纱供应。Another yarn steamed supply.

请问供应情况如何?How about the supply position?

供过于求。The supply exceeds the demand.

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若有,请提供协议内容。If yes, please supply wordings.

技术从汽车12VDC供应。Powered from cars 12VDC supply.

我们有大量的米食。We have a large supply of rice.

我们提供级会给每个人。We supply a chance to everyone.

我们承揽切纸加工业务。We supply cutting paper service.

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凭着您的普慈,您供给我们吧!With your Pu-Tzu, you supply us!

提供一个数据库名和别名。Supply a database name and alias.

问题的根源是供给和需求。The problem is supply and demand.

以供应给肯尼亚蒙巴萨港。To supply to Mombasa port, Kenya.

你能跟我去趟供给处吗?Would you come with me to supply?

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关键不在于需求,而是供给。The key is not demand, but supply.

所需的只是供油题目。All that is ndd is a supply of oil.

而雇员再培训计划供应的萎缩。And the supply of ERs is shrinking.