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目的为获得蜘蛛拖丝蛋白全基因。Objective To obtain the whole length gene of dragline.

综上所述,采用上述方法,获得转蜘蛛拖丝蛋白四聚体基因绵羊成纤维细胞株。In conclusion, transgenic cells with polymerized spider dragline silk protein gene were filtrated.

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这些设计变更形成了该机器在艰苦索斗铲作业时的特殊物力基础。These design alterations form the basis for the machine's extreme dynamism in hard dragline operations.

在露天矿抛掷爆破中,爆破效果的优劣影响到拉斗铲作业效率及露天矿生产成本。The effect of casting blast could influence working performance of dragline and cost of production in open-pit.

露天矿应用拉斗铲倒堆工艺的关键问题首先要做好拉斗铲的选型。The selection of dragline is a key problem to be handled when applying dragline for open cast in surface mining.

以大腹圆珠牵引丝为研究对象,分析了蜘蛛丝的聚集态结构特征和形态结构特征。Araneus diadematus dragline silks are studied. The assemble and shape structures of the dragline silk is analyzed.

铲斗在澳大利亚的UDD拉斗铲设备上使用,用后反应极好。Buckets are in operation in Australia operating on UDD dragline machines. The feedback has been extremely positive.

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悬在丝上的蜘蛛身体为什么不容易晃动?法国研究人员发现,原来蜘蛛丝中含有一种特殊的分子结构,能使蛛丝富有弹性,很容易克服摆动。A new study reveals that dragline silk, the stuff spiders use to rappel, has a molecular structure that makes it resilient to twisting.

报道说,这种蜘蛛丝的强度和弹性非常高,在同样的直径下,蜘蛛丝的强度是尼龙丝和钢纤维的6倍。Characterised by its strength and elasticity, dragline silk is six times stronger than nylon and steel fibre of the same diameter, the paper said.

研究了不同溶剂体系和工艺条件下的再生牵引丝溶液和膜的性能,以期找到一种合适的纺丝溶液。The comparative structural characters of regenerated spider dragline silk solution obtained in different solvents and technologies were investigated.

当遇到不稳定的气流时,蜘蛛网就被剧烈扭曲,象空中张开的降落伞一样,将蜘蛛送上一段未知旅途。When the dragline is caught in a turbulent breeze, it becomes highly contorted, catching air like an open parachute and sending the spider on an unknown journey.

性能优越的拉斗铲,索具,电铲,挖掘机铲斗,液压挖斗和卡车车斗。The company provides state of the art fabricated dragline buckets, drag chains, rigging, dippers, excavator buckets, hydraulic face shovel buckets and truck bodies.

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目前已知最为坚韧且有弹性的天然动物纤维之一——蜘蛛丝具有其它天然和人工材料无法比拟的超强刚性和出色的弹性。Spider dragline silk is a one of the most elastic and tenacious proteinaceous fibers with remarkable mechanical properties which make it attractive for technical applications.

“牵引”蛛丝作为支撑股,用来将圆网的一个个终点固定在外悬在河湖之上的树杈上,形成一种辐射状。"Dragline" silk is used to create the supporting strands that anchor the endpoints of an orb web to tree branches overhanging rivers or lakes and forms the radial threads in the web.

目的克隆与原核表达“牵引丝蛋白基因”单体六聚物,为开展具有不同长度系列的“牵引丝蛋白基因”单体多聚物的功能研究奠定基础。Objective To clone and express the hexamer of the gene of spider dragline silk protein, as a foundation of further research on the functions of the dragline silk protein gene of different lengths.