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你知道吗,姬雅?。You know what, Kia?

哦,拜托,姬雅需要动手术的是你的脑子。Oh please , kia what you need is lobotomy.

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KIA是行动中死亡的缩写。KIA is the abbreviation for Killed In Action.

新起亚狮跑。一个多一点冒险。The new Kia Sportage. A bit more adventurous.

唉,拜托,基娅,需要做手术的是你的脑子。Oh , please , kia , what you need is a lobotomy.

日本公司可以向现代和起亚学习。The Japanese firm could learn a good deal from Hyundai and Kia.

这用银制的2007年起亚狮跑勒克斯有四万二千三百二十五英里。It is used silver Kia "Sportage" 2007 and forty-Lux-2,325 miles.

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我们需要求购汽车散热器,请联系我们。We need to radiator &condenser fan with blad and frame for kia pride.

但对于上述消息,科威特投资局和卡塔尔投资局的官员均未能立即置评。Officials at KIA and QIA could not be immediately reached for comment.

最大的受益人是达契亚,菲亚特,铃木和起亚。The biggest beneficiaries were companies like Dacia, Fiat, Suzuki and Kia.

吉良从其中一个建筑物逃出来还弄倒几个电线杆作为掩护。Kia ran out of a building and destroyed the poles on the street as shields.

美国起亚表示有问题的电线套因过短有可能引起起火。Kia Motors America said faulty wiring harnesses could short and cause a fire.

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打个比方,与起亚比较起来,法拉利拥有一堆的TCO缺点。To use an analogy, a Ferrari has a massive TCO disadvantage compared to a Kia.

尽管如果你有财务方面的考虑的话,大部分人仍会选择法拉利而非起亚。Yet, if you have the financial means, most people would choose the Ferrari over the Kia.

科威特投资局拒绝置评。美国银行表示,出售中国建行股份的谈判从未中断过。KIA declined to comment. BofA said that discussions on the CCB stake were always ongoing.

克钦独立军已经准备在缅北克钦邦与缅军统治者进行内战。KIA troops prepare civil war with Burmese military rulers in Kachin State, Northern Burma.

缅军桑卡基地和克钦独立军第六营据点对面。A Burmese Army base exists in Sang Hka and the 6th battalion of the KIA is situated opposite it.

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如果只想要一个融入浅褐色的背景,买辆亚马根蒂斯即可。If you want to hide or blend seamlessly into the beigeness of the background, buy a Kia Magentis.

适用于帕萨特、桑塔纳、捷达、本田、福特、雪铁龙、现代、起亚等世界各款轿车。Apply to Passat, Santana, Jetta, Honda, Ford, Citroen, Hyundai, Kia and other sections of the car.

星期一的战斗是17年停火以来,克钦独立军首次攻击缅军。Monday's battle was the first time in the 17-year ceasefire period, the KIA attacked Burmese troops.