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首任司事是谢干甫先生。The first lay minister was Mr.

当时没有外交部长There was no foreign minister.

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他为部长派了一名警卫员。He set a guard on the minister.

牧师给婴儿施浸礼。The minister baptized the baby.

牧师一听,当场昏死过去了!And the minister fell over dead!

萨伏耶先生是埃及总理。Mr. Shafiq is the prime minister.

你可以是一个会计人员同时是牧师吗?Can you minister as an accountant?

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大臣丁鸿就是其中的一个。Minister Ding Hong is one of them.

牧师喃喃地念赞美诗。The minister droned out the psalm.

欧体使今日布鲁塞尔。Ec minister meet today in brussels.

他请求部长给他以支持。He solicited aid from the minister.

牧师规戒人们勿起邪念。The minister preached against evil.

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那位教堂中神圣的牧师!The sainted minister in the church!

由总理大臣担任首脑。It is chaired by the Prime Minister.

约翰曾给外交大臣当过听差。John has paged the Foreign Minister.

首相管理国家事务。The Prime Minister guides the state.

部长不喜欢听恭维话。Thee minister is averse to flattery.

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英国的辅弼是谁?Who is the Prime Minister of Britain?

如果你依赖某一位讲员或传道人。If you rely on a preacher or minister.

借使你依赖某一位讲员或传道人。If you rely on a prepainr or minister.